Friday, March 15, 2013

because celebrating a bad guys death is somehow ok.

Sometimes I don't know who has more evil in their hearts. The ones that commit a crime and harm or kill an innocent person or the ones that celebrate and say things like "Good, he deserves everything he gets. They should die!" The bible says in Matthew 5 that if a man commits adultery in his heart, it's just the same as actually committing it. So if we wish death or harm unto someone, isn't that not the same as actually doing it? Often times if the criminal dies, we hear people say they are glad they died, they deserved it, I hope they rot in hell. Don't get me wrong, I support full punishment of crimes committed as a judge and jury see fit. Let due process take it's course. As a believer, I do not wish anyone rot in hell. Paul, the greatest missionary of all time was once a murderer. He murdered the very people of whom which he would become. What does that say about us as Christians who wish death upon someone?

By keeping my mouth closed about the gospel when I know I should speak am I in a sense inviting people to rot in hell? If they never hear the gospel, then what?

What about terrorists? What about rapists? What about serial killers? What about the LRA? These are bad people. How should we feel about these people? I'm not going to tell you. It is my dream and hope that all with live in light of eternity. To live is Christ to die is gain. If I am murdered, I pray that through my death they may find Christ!

talk to me about this one!