Friday, November 8, 2013

To everything....

Here I sit, IPad on MyLap, pondering on what I shall write about.  I don't want to force anything, but I know if I let my fingers keep moving something will come out.  Yesterday I learned I am a perfectionist. Perfectionist's are NOT people who have to have everything perfect.  And perfection is in the eye of the beholder.  Sometimes I will write about a topic, and write, and write some more.  I will get to a point where I need to close, but cannot wrap it up in a nice "perfect" way, so I delete it all.  Today I'll just write, and however I stop, I will stop.  No need to be perfect. 

First things first.  I've seen this video floating around.  37 seconds worth.  It's this average sized woman laying down with a red bikini on.  For the next 35 seconds or so it shows professional photo shoppers make her look about 25 lbs skinnier, healthier skin and various other "enhancements". And people are outraged and upset that companies do this.  Does it surprise you?  Isn't this what everyone else does?  Tries to look better?  By eating better, exercising, wearing make up, having surgeries.  Don't blame marketing agents, don't let them have that power over you.  You are beautiful.  The marketing companies are mimicking YOU. They can just do it alot faster, cause it's FAKE. 

Second.  Say you have a person with a mans brain and a woman's parts. Possible?  I am leaning towards a resounding yes.  Can I prove it? Not exactly.  But I see the trees moving. Say this "woman" changes her parts to fit how "he" sees himself.  She (according to parts) now sees who he really thinks he is when he looks in the mirror.  Some people think this is wrong, but yet have no problems with women who don't like their boobs.  So they make them bigger or smaller.  Still boobs, still a women. But why did her mind tell her otherwise?  Should she have to change to be loved, no.  But she had to change for her to love herself.  What about a facelift, nosejob, tummy tuck etc?  I know many Church going folk that would be outraged at a man that got rid of his boobs and grew a beard to feel more like a man, but wouldn't bat an eye when a women got a boob job.   Just some thoughts here.  By no means are they ever finished. 

Third.  I'm really screwed up.  I find that out on a daily basis. I continually try to grow. I'm really not happy about this particular blog, but they were some thoughts floating around.  I thought I'd throw them out into the world and see what response I get.  I'm not claiming to be right, just claiming to think.    If I wanted to, I could continue on and make some sort of point to all this.  But I'll save that for another day.