Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fighting Hell to the Death.

You may find my thoughts/beliefs on this topic difficult to hear.  Or you might love them.  Or you might not have thought I felt this way.  I realize I may not be right.  But I have to live with those consequences.  

At this moment.  I don't believe in Hell.  Not even for Hitler.  Or Bin Laden.  Or Jerry Sandusky.  Not even Caillou. 

This is difficult to write.  Such complexity to try to encapsulate in a few easy to understand words.

I'll do my best. 

Many people today do not believe in the Bible.  Many don't even have a bible. So I try not to use that as a tool in which to prove a point.  Even in my own understandings.  I try to come to conclusions based on who I believe Jesus us.  Granted, much of that has come from the Bible or church.  And a lot has come from the relationship that I have with Jesus.  

This post was inspired by a long conversation about the existence of Hell.  Which also brought up the existence of Heaven.  I believe in Heaven.  BUT I don't make that and eternal life the primary reason for my actions on Earth.

I mentioned yesterday that I don't use the bible. I tend to ignore it when sharing my thoughts and beliefs to others. And many bible believers thought that was absurd. When in fact my reasoning for that, ironically, comes from the bible. Be hot or be cold. Many in disagreement with me openly admit that they do not know enough about the bible. So I guess that would make them lukewarm. And what happens to those that are lukewarm? According to the bible. So in the meantime, I'll be cold when it comes to the bible.