Friday, August 7, 2015

You're SO Vain

     Oh. My. God.  Becky, look at that butt.  Sorry, could resist a bit of mix a lot. But seriously, growing up my parents were a bit legalistic when it came to words.  For example, when we played Super Mario Bros. on the original NES we couldn't say that Mario died.  But that he got caught.  We couldn't say shut up, even though yelling BE QUIET had the same undertone.  Oh my God couldn't even be replaced with oh my gosh.  Yes..we resorted to Oh My Goodness.   In first grade I was in the cafeteria after school with my mom and sister at Jacksonville Elementary School in Walnut Bottom Pennsylvania.  That is were I said damn for the first time that I can remember.  But, this blog isn't about cuss words.  I already wrote that one.  This one is about taking the Lords name in vain.  Most people think that all this entails is a phrase like OMG, Oh My God or God Damn it.  I don't think so, not anymore.

meme taken without permission (sorry, it was on the internet) from

     So yeah...that's pretty much my blog.  To elaborate just a bit.  I know about the bible.  I read the bible.  I also try to do a lot of digging about what certain passages mean.  Like looking up hebrew texts and original words and the different ways to translate.  Often times the current translation is just a snapshot of a much bigger picture of what the author was trying to relay.  I think if we try to read the NIV or the message and know what God intended is taking the Lords name in vain.  Speaking on God's behalf is taking the Lords name in vain.  We may be right, but we may be wrong.  We really don't know for sure 100%.

     This came up as I was talking to a friend about our views on things like LGBT, pacifism, politics etc.  But basically the concept of sin.   I have developed some pretty progressive views and have an idea of an incredibly gracious and merciful God and savior.  While I respected his viewpoints, since I used to live in that camp, he asked me a question.  What if you're wrong?  And you lead people away from Christ instead of to Him.  My initial response was to ask him the same thing.  But my reply was simple.  If it's me or them, let it be me for them.  Like Christ did.  I would hope that if I was following my heart and led another astray, when we would meet God he would look upon them with mercy.  It was I that took the Lords name in vain, not them.  Let them spend eternity with God and do whatever I deserve to me.

      So that's what I think about when I hear don't take the Lords name in vain.  There will be a part two of this blog.  I could write it now.  But I'll let this sit for awhile. As always, I may be wrong.  But I have to follow my heart and my mind.