Monday, December 28, 2020

An Ounce of Prevention

 Benjamin Franklin coined the phrase "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".  But before we dive into that I want to share a story.  

This morning I was watching (as my daughter likes to call it) YTF.  It's actually WITF.  There is a show about young super heroes.  In this episode the "Rubber Band Robby" has a problem.  When he stretches out too far, he gets pulled back into a rubber ball and bounces around all over the place.  The team uses their "superpowers of science" to solve the problem.  So they went to work figuring out a way to keep Robby from bouncing around should in fact he get pulled back into a rubber ball.  

Quite frankly I'm a little pissed that this is what our kids are being taught what science is.  That's not science.  That's business.  Solve a problem and sell it.  Science would be figuring out why he turns into a bouncing ball when he stretches too far.  

Common sense says, geez Robby, maybe not just stretch yourself out so far.  Instead, they make it so Robby can do something he probably shouldn't do as long as you wear this foam suit. 

And all I could think about was todays pharmaceutical industry.  Go ahead Robby, eat whatever you want, get as stressed as you want, don't sleep, don't move, and we'll make this drug that covers up the symptoms.  We won't actually cure you, though. That would be up to you to practice lifestyle changes.  

When Franklin made that quote, he wasn't actually talking about health.  He was talking about fire safety.  People would transfer coals throughout their house, likely to take from one hearth to another, and would often do it without caution.  Coals or embers may fall out and end up in your floorboards or staircase and won't make an appearance until midnight when your house is on fire.  Had they just transported them in closed warming pan, this wouldn't be a problem. Prevention (doing it the right way) is worth a pound of cure.  

But not anymore.  Their isn't really a lot of money when it comes to preventing disease.  There is BIG money in producing medication and drugs.  

Let's take a look at "Lifestyle disease".  Here's an exert from wikipedia...

"Lifestyle diseases are defined as diseases linked with, and often caused by the way people live their life. These are non-communicable diseases. Lifestyle diseases are commonly caused by lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating, alcohol, drugs and smoking, which lead to heart disease, stroke, obesity, type II diabetes and Lung cancer.  The diseases that appear to increase in frequency as countries become more industrialized and people live longer can include Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, atherosclerosis, asthma, cancer, chronic liver disease or cirrhosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney failure, osteoporosis, PCOD, stroke, depression, obesity and vascular dementia."

The fact is, our bad lifestyle decisions not only negatively effect ourselves, but create a huge burden on the health care system.  

It's possible to change.  It's not too late.  And it's not as hard as you think.  Don't be like Rubber Band Robby.  Don't just stretch yourself to the max and then rely on medicine to manage your symptoms but never cure your disease.  Use medicine, if needed, to help begin to turn the ship around and make better lifestyle decisions so you don't put yourself into those precarious situations in the first place.  

That's all for now.  

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Insert Clickbaity, Virtue Signaling, Attention Getter Title Here

 It's been a long time since I've been on this site to post a blog.  Nearly a year, if not more.  Can you believe that there was a time I sat and wrote every single day for 450 days?  That's nuts.  

Maybe I should start writing again.  My excitement for podcasting is dwindling.  I'm not sure why, just losing steam.  Lately it seems as though it just turned into a weekly venting of however I'm feeling.  Or maybe it's just the miserableness of Covid.  Could be winter blues as well.  

But I came to vent today.  So if you want to read it, you can stay.  If you don't, you can leave.  Bye, Felicia.  

Where do I start?  Covid has turned our world upside-down.  It has taken over 300k lives in America so far.  People have lost family members, friends, and entire livelihoods have been destroyed.  So when I think about how it is impacting me personally, I really should be grateful.  Because other than being forced to stay home and "remote learn" with my kids, lose income (quite a bit), watch my business that I've worked hard on for nearly 15 years begin to dwindle due to covid restrictions, not be able to see people, and basically become a hermit, it's not nearly as bad as some others have it.  

But yet I'm still over here losing my shit.  At least I can claim Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.  Oh wait, I can't because their website is still having issues and I can't complete the claim like it wants.  And they don't respond to emails in any type of timely fashion.  So I can't even be compensated the $300 a week I was approved for in the spring.  

Don't worry though, that $600 check is coming from Uncle Sam.  Maybe we can just forego taxes this year.  

And then on those days when we are feeling like absolute garbage.  Even when you nailed todays Elf on the Shelf.  Trust me, I spent some time on this one.  I used one of the flies my son tied to have "Max" pretend to be fishing.  I even suspended the fish in the jar so it looks like they are swimming.  I even got a good nights sleep last night.  And I'm still feeling like shit today.  I even went fishing and caught some fish.  I also lost some fish and some flies too.  

Change is fucking hard.  Especially when you don't necessarily agree with "why" you have to change.  

So I'm sitting at home, thinking that something on facebook will cheer me up.  Why do we do that?  Because we all do and it never works.  Case in point, I see a photo of some friends working on a project and all I can think about was how fun it would have been to be working on it with them.  And it really bummed me out.  Now, it wasn't there responsibility to make sure I wasn't sad and perusing facebook.  But maybe we should think about the things we post and how others may feel seeing us have a good time amidst all the lockdowns.  

Fuck, I don't know.  

And Christmas with masks on?  Might as well have sex with your pants on.  

All in the name of not overloading the healthcare systems.  Oh, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease is already doing that, but no one gives a shit.  And you can manage that easier than managing the spread of Covid.  

Basically, you have to give EVERYONE room for dealing with Covid in the ways it's impacting them personally.  Even if it's not as bad as others.  

Watching people shift and adapt is inspirational.  Especially many of the restaurants who have been wrongfully shut down.  yes, that's my opinion.  Maybe if we all want to go out to eat, we'll just buy an airline ticket and have a meal on a plane.  You can still do that you know.  I wonder if the restaurants at the airports are open?  

Anyway, welcome back to my blog.  Might not be a daily thing, or a weekly thing.  It's just gonna be a thing.  But damn....I feel better.  Blogging FTW.  I'm not even going to proofread, take that haters.