Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Rise and Fall of Insulin

Do you know about Insulin?

It’s not just for diabetics. You make it.  When your blood sugar rises (by consuming sugar or other carbohydrates) your pancreas releases insulin to take all the excess blood sugar for storage in the liver or muscles.  If those areas are already full, it stores it as fat. 

If you aren’t exercising after each carbohydrate laden snack (which most of them are, including most beef jerky), your liver and muscles are most likely always full.  So everything you eat is going straight to fat storage.  

Constantly consuming carbohydrates for snacks and meals will keep your body pumping out insulin almost 24/7 leaving you no chance of ever calling on glucagon to release stored body fat.  Glucagon is insulins counter hormone.  When you are in a fasting period or blood sugar falls, glucagon is released to convert that stored glycogen into blood glucose.  Even if your glycogen stores are empty, your body can convert ingested proteins into glucose or convert stored body fat into glucose.  

Our bodies are pretty amazing if we’d just let them do their thing.  

However, most people, when their blood sugar drops they don’t allow their body to do it’s own thing.  They eat more carbohydrate rich food.  This pattern, repeated over years causes the bodies fat burning ability to shut down.  It leads to a dependence on carbohydrates and eventually insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and many other health issues.     

It still astonishes me that whole grains and other forms of grain based carbohydrates are still recommended to people suffering with type 2 diabetes.  While you can still control your blood sugar, they simply are not beneficial to consume.

Even if you exercise.  Continued filling and depleting of glycogen stores, while it may keep you from storing body fat, may still lead to insulin resistance.  

The good news is that you can break this pattern.  Though your body will push back a little bit.  Imagine if you’ve been sitting for years and tried to stand up and walk again.  You’ll be able to, but it’ll take some warming up.  

How do you engage your bodies ability to burn fat?  You take away the quick burning fuel.  Carbohydrates.  

Fat is our bodies preferred fuel source.  

Take control of your health.  75% of the foods in the grocery store are NOT fit for proper human health.  You deserve better.  

If you can (and you can) control your insulin levels, you can control your health.

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