Sunday, May 11, 2014

It's a Sam Sunday

And here we are, Sunday morning coffee in hand, kids still in bed, birds are chirping, windows are open, rain barrel is full and it's mothers day.  But this post isn't about mothers.  I will write until Josiah or Anne wakes up.  OR when I am finished.  Whichever comes first.

Why is it a Sam Sunday?  Because Michael Sam was drafted to the St. Louis Rams yesterday.  The first openly gay NFL athlete to be drafted.  Awesome.  So glad that anyone can play in the NFL.  As it should be.  As long as you can play football, and Sam can.  But that's just the beginning.  Many positive and negative posts and responses have been released about this.  I wish no one would say anything, just let him be another player on the field.  But I know he had a reason for coming out and moving forward.  He could have said nothing and continued his journey to the NFL.   So many conservatives, and many conservative christians will be complaining and have complained about why he is getting all this attention.  Because it deserves attention.  He's on the front lines of a battle.  He chose to be there.  It is a battle because of people like you, if it is you that doesn't understand.  Please open your hearts.  Let's have a conversation about this.
Kudos to Michael Sam for standing up for what he believes in and putting so much at risk for his convictions.

I can't wait for the day when a Michael Sam can choose to play football and nobody bats an eye.  But I know why people do.  It's a good thing, but it's also not a good thing.  Lets make sure it remains a good thing.

Now, I'm sure some are saying... "But gay is a sin!"  Is it?  Really?  I won't go there today.  But when you are free from sin in your life, feel free to cross that line.  Until then, stop trying to take rights away from others that sin differently than you.  Because sitting alone in your basement after the family goes to bed and viewing porno's on your computer and deleting the history is far more damaging than an openly gay professional athlete is.

That's all for now, Josiah just woke up.  Obviously this is short and lots of discussion points could be made. And it's totally unedited.  So lets chat about it.  Happy Mothers Day!

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