Saturday, October 10, 2015

Guns, God and You're Reading the Bible Wrong

I'm not going to waste any time getting started, because there will be a lot to unload here.  Pun intended.  But you must know.  We have a problem with guns in america.  I don't think for a second that taking them away will solve it.  The only think that will solve it is killing everyone.  But I do believe there are things we can do to help chip away at it and start to find what the issues are.  I don't think it's entirely guns, I don't think it's entirely media, video games, lack of parenting or any one thing.  It's a combination of it all.  And if we really are a PRO-LIFE people then it's time to put your money where your mouth is.  So this is me trying to make sense of it all.

     First.  I'm sick and tired of people saying that we should ban automobiles to because they kill more people than guns.  One, they don't.  Two, no one is saying ban guns that I've heard. Nearly 220 million people drive at least an hour a day.  Compare than to the population in the US which is about 300 million.  So roughly 2/3 of the population. Lets even look back to 2005, deaths were at 43,000.  So 43,000 automobile related deaths for a conservative estimate of 80,300,000,000 hours behind the wheel.  Did you catch that?  Can you fathom driving for 80 billion hours and only 43,000 people died? Granted these are quick estimates, the actual time behind the wheel is probably more than that.
     Now lets look at recreational gun use.  About 1 in 3 americans own at least one firearm.  So about 1 million gun owners in America.  Lets be honest.  How many hours a day can we guess each one is out shooting?  Honestly.  See you can't record those numbers.  But you get my point.  Also in 2005, 12,000 gun deaths via homicide.  ONLY homicide, not accidental deaths or suicide.  Factor that in if you want.  Imagine if 750,000 gun owners were out shooting their firearms EVERY DAY FOR AN HOUR.  There is nowhere near enough range space to accommodate those numbers.  I'd be willing to bet though that the average gun owner doesn't even spend an hour a year shooting his gun.
    Here's my point.  Stop comparing apples to oranges.  Cars serve a purpose other than killing.  Guns only purpose is to kill.  Like it or not, that is what is was designed and created for.  Killing.  Sure, some make great wall hangers over the fireplace.  Knives weren't invented to kill.  Hammers weren't invented to kill. Baseball bats weren't invented to kill.  Ok, enough about that.

     Christians, we are you clinging so tightly to your guns?  Where in the bible, specifically the new testaments does it say that you should have one?  Other than when Jesus told his disciples to sell their cloak and buy a sword? Because seriously, 11 men and two swords against an entire army?  There are many reasons why Jesus said that and you can believe any of them.  But we are talking about God here.  If God wanted to protect them, he could just do it.  No swords needed.  End of discussion.  Jesus said to love your enemies, how do you justify killing them as love?  Or do you decide you want to decide what he means by that.
    (this part isn't just for christians anymore)  Oh, and you need it for home security?  Really, see I don't think so.   Because if you were really into home security, you would go to just as many home security shows as you do gun shows.  You'd have just as many cool locks and alarms on your entry points  of your home as you do trinkets for your guns.  So just be want to shoot someone.  But wait, I know. You're a responsible gun owner.  I get that.  And you want to protect your family.  I get that. So you keep your gun a drawer next to your bed ready for an intruder who wants to harm your family.  I get that.  I get that it's incredibly irresponsible because more innocent people (mostly kids) die from that scenario than someone breaking into your house.  Wait though, you keep it your gun safe locked up.  So, explain to me how you are going to convince the intruder to wait while you go get your gun out of the safe and then your ammo out of the other locked safe so you can shoot him.  You aren't into home security,  You are into providing a false sense of security for yourself.  Should you be able to protect yourself, yes.  I'm not saying you aren't.  You just have to think of other, safer ways to do that.  You can't have your cake and eat it to.  I know I sound harsh, maybe that's because you know I'm right.  See, everyone is a responsible gun owner until they aren't.
      I recently posted a video to my Facebook that was by a gun owner that offered some responses on how to help slow down the amount of gun related deaths and violence.  Yes, I know they will never stop in our lifetime.  It's to late for that to happen.  Guns are all over the world and if people want to get them they will.  But we can make steps to help.  If you aren't willing to at least help or try, without anyone taking your guns away, then I would suggest that you are the problem.   What's wrong with a test.  Written and hands on.  If you want to buy a gun you are required to take an 8 hour class on everything guns.  I would even suggest that you need to be evaluated by a mental health professional as well.  If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to hide.  A few extra steps is NOT taking your guns away.  If anything it will prove that their are gun owners that care about people's lives and are willing to try to make a change.

     And the all lives matter campaign.  It seems that there are a lot of people very pro-gun.  So I guess all lives don't really matter then right?  #somelivesmatter

     Yes, you are reading the bible wrong.  Do you know that nowhere in the bible does it say you can't live with someone before you are married.  No.  Where.  At.  All.  Seriously, go look.  You can make some ties to some other verses, but it's not specific at all.  And you're so sure that gay is a sin, yet you uncertain if Jesus was really non-violent.  Really?  He lived in a world where people were being oppressed unjustly and he did nothing to stop it.  He could have stepped in at any time and killed all the perpetrators.  But he didn't.  So why do we think that's our job if we claim to be christians and follow christ.  He wasn't our protector in that way.
     And you want to know whats really whack, there are a tremendous amount of people that know they won't be able to follow the whole bible but still try so hard to.  That's great.  I think that it's a good thing.  But I have also found that those are some of the same people willing to budge or try anything about the whole gun control idea.  Because you'll never be able to fix all of it.  I just don't get it.

     I think that about covers it for this morning.  And I'm pretty sure a lot of people will not like me after this.  But you know what.... 3/4 of the time I don't like me either.  So HA!

1 comment:

  1. Sam Harris just had a good podcast on this topic.

    Some of his points overlap with yours. For example the practicality of eliminating guns just isn't there. He talks about developing a non-lethal form of protection that rivals a gun. Something that gives you the same range of a gun and can stop someone in their tracks without killing them would be a great alternative to a gun as a form of protection. He does address your thoughts about keeping a locked gun won't allow you time in the event of a crisis. He thinks that having several guns all locked up in the house allows him quick access while keeping them safe. (Keep in mind while you listen and he does discuss this - Sam is a public figure who receives death threats. I have no interest in owning a gun myself, but I may think twice if I were in his shoes.)

    I too am confused by the inconsistencies debated by Dems and Reps when it comes to guns and abortions. In the end each side wants their freedoms in some cases but want to deny it in others. In my opinion, let people have their freedom to own guns and make choices about their own bodies but as a society we need to figure out when a line is crossed. That is the hard part figuring out where the line is. I don't mind if my neighbor owns a gun. (I won't let my children play in their house if they aren't responsible about that ownership.) I just don't want my neighbor building bombs that could blow up my house or mounting a machine gun on his roof.

    I had a discussion with a Boy Scout leader of all people who openly admitted that he didn't lock up his guns. He stressed that his kids know not to touch them. He should not be leading young boys, nor should he be allowed to own a gun.

    I completely agree that it should be very difficult to obtain a gun. If protection is your reason simply buying a gun won't help at all. You first need to be trained on how to use it and you need to keep those skills up to date. You also need to be trained on how to react in the face of confrontation. Most people who even know how to use a gun don't know how to use it in a conflict.

    I do believe there would be fewer deaths if there were fewer guns. I too think these quotes about comparing the number of deaths related to car or pool accidents is pure nonsense and a way of detracting from the right conversations. Comparing the two means nothing. If there are many pool related accidents, we need proper laws and common sense in place to fix that problem on its own. If there are too many gun accidents we need to fix that problem on its own.

    I'm curious about the ties that you put together about Christians and gun ownership. Some of the quotes in this article

    seem to me that people use the bible to support their view on guns. I do recognize these might be more radical views in this article.

    These figures

    seem to suggest that the more religious you are, the more likely you will own a gun. Remember, that there are more religious than secular. So if there is a higher % of ownership amongst religious people, that means even more actual ownership.
