Friday, May 26, 2017

Meat. Don't be a hater.

I understand if you don't want to eat meat.  I really do.  The way that much of the meat sold in America is raised is sick and inhumane.  It's disgusting.  It's unethical.  It's abuse.  I don't like it at all.

But I'm still going to eat meat.

Not all farms operate that way.  That's why I make more of an effort to support local farms that have ethical farming practices.  It's not always feasible, but we try.

You might have heard lots of lies about meat and how bad it is for you.  You probably heard this from a plant based diet promoting source.   Most of them are not true.  They tell you that we weren't designed to eat meat.  Explain that to your incisors.  Seriously.   The proof is in your mouth.   Now...the amount of meat....yes.  The amounts of meat people eat is way to much.

Back to the common ground.  You don't want the unethical treatment of animals.  Me neither.  Avoiding meat won't solve that.  Just like banning abortions won't stop abortions.   Lets all push for more safe and ethical meat farming practices.  Lets not eat meat for the sake of eating meat whether we need it or not.

Speaking of the ethical treatment of animals.  Did you know plants have defense mechanisms to keep them alive?  Lectins are natural phytochemical toxins that plants manufacture to defend against UV radiation, insect predators, and disease-producing microorganisms. These agents, critical to a plant's survival, are found in highest concentrations in the seeds of the plants.  This is why we don't eat seeds.  Regardless, plants want to survive.  But we kill them to eat them.

What about soil degradation?  The amount of soybean, corn, and wheat fields are destroying the earth.  Literally.  Chemicals and poor farming practices are killing off millions of microorganisms.  Deforestation happens and the ground loses it's ability to store carbon.  Yes.  Global warming is a thing. have to replace meat with something.  And many don't care what they replace it with.  Anything but meat.  Sugar, processed foods, corn, wheat, long as it's not meat.  And doing this is no better for our earth.   If you are eating corn, wheat, and soy you are contributing just as much to poor environment as the mcfarmers are that are using it to feed their livestock.  Look at your ingredients.

Going vegan or vegetarian is often times not enough.  Motives are everything.  If you think you are somehow saving the planet by not eating meat, you are wrong.  Factory farmed plants can have just as much a negative impact.

My point, I think if we all focus less on what is the "right" way to eat.  We all know the right way is the "real" way.  Grains....only been around for 10,000 years.  And grains are the reason we are in this mass mcfarming predicament.  Grains don't count for real food in my opinion.  Sorry.

Get to know your food before you eat it.  Visit local farms.  Learn where your food comes from and how it is raised.  You don't have to eat meat, but you do need to understand that we are made to eat meat.  And meat is not the enemy.

he said it.  not me.  and I don't agree.  I can do without stinky cheese.  oh...
vegetarians are fine, as long as they are ok with people that eat meat that also care about the earth. 

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