Monday, August 28, 2017

Going to School with Josiah

This is not the first time I’ve sat in a coffee shop.  Today is different.  My daughter Anne is with her Grammy.  She’s in heaven when it’s just her and either of Grandmothers.  My wife who just worked hard all weekend catching babies is at home in a quiet house getting some rest.  

But today.  Josiah, my son, started Kindergarten.  Full day Kindergarten.  I’m still processing how I feel about this step into parenthood.  I feel different today sitting at this coffee shop.  I should be getting some work done establishing my health coaching business but that can wait a few minutes.


Josiah is one of the most inquisitive boys I know.  He’s always asking questions.  Even at his young age of 5, we’ve had many conversations about the world, about life, about spirituality and many other wonders.  I don’t know what makes me think I’m qualified at all to answer any of these questions.  As hard as it is, I try not to give him any definitive answers about the complex stuff.  So much of life we don’t actually know if what we believe is true.  Just that we believe it.   So much of life I thought was true is now up for debate as I get older.  Even now I try to reconcile if it’s even ok to believe in something even if it’s not true.  How do we even know for sure?   I don’t know that I’m mentally capable to do any of that.

Life is easier if you just settle into it.  Find the flow they say.  What happens when you find the flow but don’t like the direction it’s going?  The answer to that, I’m still trying to figure out.  

Yesterday I took the kids on a hike.  Kind of ironic that we ended up on a section of trail with a small creek.  Naturally, we built a dam.  It’s a great place to learn about the flow.  About redirection.  About persistency.  About the ripple effect of every action.  What happens upstream, what happens downstream.  So much you can learn from piling rocks up in the middle of a small stream.   

Here’s to you Josiah, I hope I’ve done a good job helping you adjust your sails in preparation for the flow of life.  I know you’ve definitely adjusted mine.  Love you buddy.

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