Monday, September 25, 2017

a long blog about the NFL, Trump, the National Anthem, Church and Bitches.

Couple things this morning that I'd like to get off my chest.  I wasn't going to weigh in on the NFL, Donald, the NBA, or the National Anthem.  But I will.

First, I used to write about all the things I didn't like about church, christianity, and a belief in a higher power.  But you know what?  I still like church.  I don't go often.  But I still remain friends with several people that do and even help out when there is a need.   I can not like something, disagree with something, perhaps not even believe in something, but still love the people involved, believe in their hearts, and what they are doing.

So I get it, you like Trump.  You think he's the greatest.  Fine.   But you have to remember something.  It's a really important detail.  He's the President of the United States of America.   His primary goal is to make America great for all citizens.   Right now, he's trying to make America great for himself and only those that support him.  His words create division.  He is not careful with what he says and the consequences that may follow.   He is disrespectful to our fellow man, regardless of you feel about said man, or woman.  This past Friday, September 22, he called many amazing mothers, "bitches".  Mothers that sacrificed so much so their sons could play a sport they loved.  With his wreckless words, he called them all bitches.  This man is so foolish with the things he says he doesn't realize that when you call a man, a son of a bitch, you are not criticizing the man.  You are criticizing his mother.  This is appalling, unacceptable behavior for a president.  And many that support him are willing to overlook this absurdity.  Guess what, you don't have to.  You deserve better.  You can expect more from the person you elected.  More class.  More professionalism.  And still be a supporter.  You don't have to take everything he says and worship it.  Just like the relationship I have with the church.  I can still recognize the good, while being unsettled about much of it and do it in a way that means no disrespect to those that still attend church.

But why protest during the National Anthem?  Well, why not?  It's peaceful.  It's not disrupting.  Think about the same scenario in a different environment.  Lets go back to church.  Imagine the whole congregation all walking up front to take communion and you saw a few remaining seated.  Wouldn't the first inclination be to sit down next to them and ask them what's wrong?   Rather, what our president is suggesting is to yell at that person, call him a son of a bitch, and demand he be removed from the premises for not participating.

The National Anthem is an important song to many.  It holds a lot of value and honor.  Even if the full song is controversial and has racist roots.  We've been able to ignore that and use the good parts of it as a sign and symbol of this great nation.  And America is pretty great.  For many people.  But sadly, still not all people.  And I'm not willing to settle for the fact that it's still better than other countries.

But many people are confusing the National Anthem with a celebratory act or moment to honor our military and veterans.  That's not what the National Anthem is about.  The anthem is about celebrating our country.  And if you can't fully celebrate our country, why fake it?  Why stand up even though you have some unsettling feelings about it?  Just like the person sitting for communion.  Something is keeping you from fully engaging in the celebration and remembrance.  So, rather than tell them to GTFO, perhaps listening to their concerns would be a better option.  Seek to understand the plights of our fellow Americans.

Because that's what we all are, fellow Americans.   And this is America.  We have certain unalienable rights.  Like the pursuit of liberty.  Freedom.  America is great.  But being great doesn't mean perfect. And I commend the people that see things that need to change, that bring awareness to it, and that do something to push the process of change forward.  And one of the first ways to bring change is to bring awareness to a problem.

I'm going to let alone the fact that Donald withdrew his invitation to the GS Warriors because there was some hesitation from one of the players to go.  But....

Be the bigger person, Mr. President.  Say something like, "I'm sorry you are hesitant to come to the White House Mr. Curry.  It's an honor to visit a place with such history and importance.  Your hesitation is concerning and I'd like to hear what's on your mind."   "Mr. Kaepernick, I've seen you kneeling for the National Anthem.  This song is a very important symbol to this great nation.  What can I do as President of this Nation to help you be able to stand and be proud of the country in which you live?"  But no,  this man in the White House....people say he's got a backbone.  No.  He has no backbone at all.  When he doesn't get his way or thinks someone doesn't like him, he turns into a whiny little crybaby and throws a big hissy fit.  Being successful in business doesn't mean you'd make a good president, and he's proven that for sure.   Sorry, I may have had you up until this point.  But sometimes truth comes up and slaps you in the face.


  1. Hey Jonathan I love your writing and since I'm not on facebook atm I wanted to know if you have an email list so I can subscribe to your blog? Thanks!

    1. So, I haven't logged on here in a LONG time, obviously. But no, I don't have an email list. But I might start one soon!
