Sunday, September 17, 2017

It Might Work, But it Doesn't Mean it's Right

Couple weeks ago I was talking to another about health care costs.  It's no mistake that they are rising.  I remember when I had to acquire health insurance as a self employed individual and paying around $70 a month for mainly emergency medical care.  Honestly, it was so confusing to me what was covered and what wasn't.  Fast forward fifteen years and it's gotten a lot more expensive and a lot more confusing.  Why can't health care just be simple?   That answer is a much longer piece of writing.  Like me, the other person wasn't happy with the rising costs.  

And then a thought donned on me.  What if health insurance was never supposed to as cheap as it was 15-20 years ago?  What if that price wasn't sustainable?  What if the costs now reflect more of what the actual cost of insurance is?   If that's true, then instead of being upset about what the costs are now, be upset at the costs that never should have been.   Obviously, that may not be the case.  The increase could be because of the poor health of country.  We are the most overfed and undernourished country in the world.

But that's not what I'm writing about today.  I'm challenging the way we look at they way things are.  Because the way things are may not be the right way.

From the moment we were born, several things were set in place.  Starting with where we were born. Then what color we are.  Then what kind of home we lived in to how attentive our parents were.   Pretty much up until we were 18, most decisions were made for us.  Depending on what country or culture you live in of course.  But even then.  Many are confined by society on what you can and can't do.  

I remember the first time I travelled to a third world country.  I couldn't believe that a place like that existed on this planet.  It literally was a different world.  Everything about it was different, except for the fact we were all humans.  And none of us got to choose where we were born.  And for many people, the choice to move isn't a reality.

Even traveling within my own country, the United States of America, there are drastic differences in what society and culture look like depending on your region.  Different municipalities, counties, cities and states have different laws.   These could vary greatly from place to place.

This perspective shift also shows up in religious beliefs too.  Many families have a belief system already in place for generations and you are brought right into it.  Many never deviate from the path that's been laid out by one's family.  Some though, myself included, start to question and challenge the "what is".   We've been told there are certain "have to's" but we learn pretty quickly that we don't actually "have to".  

What's the point?  Just because you've always done something doesn't mean that's the right way or the only way to do something.  Just because you've been taught something doesn't mean there aren't other ways.

Never close your mind.  Always be open to other possibilities.  Especially the possibility that you might be wrong or there might be another way.

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