Saturday, July 1, 2017

I have to be true to my convictions

I really don't like MLM's.  At all.  But I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

MLM's create a vision for you that has everyone walking around with a dollar sign hovering over their head.  And you'll feel ok making money off of them because you have a product that they want and think they need.  

There is a product that is gaining huge popularity, exogenous ketones.  I just want to set the record straight.  I think it's a fine product if used in the right way.  But if you use the product in the right way, you don't really need the product.  Let me explain.

The claim is that it puts your body into ketosis.  Ketosis is a natural metabolic process that converts fat cells into energy in the absence of glucose. finally burn off the stored fat from the donuts you ate ten years ago.  You do this through carbohydrate restriction.  It's natural.  Meaning for the vast majority of the population you don't need to buy a product to get this to happen

This is why I cannot promote the use of these products, especially under the umbrella of an MLM.  You can achieve the same exact results without the product.  And no, you can't have your cake and eat it too.  This is not an eat whatever you want and then drink this drink so you can burn fat product.

I asked several health and wellness professionals about the use of exogenous ketones and here are some of the responses I got.

 -Here is the deal: Keto is currently on "hype" because a lot of MLM companies are pushing it hard.  

-Exogenous ketones do have "a place": as a nootropic, to improve concentration, even cancer treatment and prevent or help with epileptic seizures.  Also, they can improve sports perfomance. 

-Exogenous ketones DO NOT help with fast loss.  They may even inhibit fat loss. 

-Ketones are a by-product of fatty acid metabolization that your body can use as energy (well, only BHB, as acetone and acetoacetate are waste products).  If you give your body exogenous BHB... it amps down lypolisis: why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free.

  Remember the body utilizes macros in certain order: Alcohol (ethanol) > Carbohydrates (glucose) > Protein (Aminoacids) > Fat (Fatty Acids)

-If you give your body the end product it will always use it first, as it requires less energy to process. The body wants to survive and conserve energy. 

-The product does not "PUT YOU IN KETOSIS" - it introduces ketone bodies in your body. Different things. It is false ketosis in a way.

The only time I would ever recommend using exogenous ketones is if you were already following a ketogenic or low carb diet for several months and we found a need for them as described above (cancer treatment, seizures, nootropic, etc). 

But that's just the opinion of someone not trying to sell a product.  Take it or leave it.

I found this article from a well respected ketogenic community.   It's worth checking out if you are interested in this product.   to-ketone-or-not-to-ketone.

If that wasn't enough reason.  Over the past year I have helped lead or encourage a small group of people in following a ketogenic or primal aligned diet and we've collectively lost well over 3000 pounds and reversed many autoimmune diseases.  And we haven't used a special powder or pill to do it.  OR worked out ridiculous hours at the gym.  OR had to eat crappy cardboard flavored diet food.     

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