Sunday, February 10, 2013

Authority and Judgement.

In a nutshell. I believe in eternity. When you die you go to heaven or hell. I'm not an expert in this. I can only speak about what I believe. I live in acceptance that God created the earth and all that is in it. Do I believe in evolution, sure. Some aspects of it. It's more adaptation that I believe. But i'm open to hear others thoughts. I believe God created humans so that he could love us and give us a life. I won't get into the whole story of God, creation and Jesus but I will tell you that the fall of man started with not following the one rule that was given. Don't eat the apple. What did man do....ate the apple. of course thats what we do, what we are told we aren't to do. We need to know what will happen. Ever wonder where that started....Adam and Eve. A whole lot of stuff happened in between that and Jesus. Long story short, I don't understand God. I never will. I try, but fall desperately short of the impossible (go figure). God needed to save His people, so he sent his son to be a perfect example. Then we killed him. but even that was all part of the redemption plan. He rose from the dead and served as a sacrifice for us. God hasn't killed anyone for disobeying since. Thanks for Jesus. That is a very loose version. So I accept the fact that Jesus died so that I could live eternally in Heaven with God. I also live as an example of Christ. To not judge others, to smile at my neighbors, to heal people (physically and emotionally), to reach out to the broken, to reach out to those that can't reach up and so many other things that Jesus did. Don't listen to what others say about Jesus, pick up the bible and read about Him for yourself. Open up yourself to listen to a Higher being. I think if more Christians acted like Jesus, more non christians would see how cool Jesus is. So that's how I live, that's what I believe (in a seriously seriously small nutshell). Whats the point?

Many people object because they think it's a sick ultimatum (at least thats the most popular answer I've heard, outside of if God was real why do bad things happen?) Accept Jesus and that he died for me and live a pretty awesome life helping others and sharing the good news of Christ and go to heaven or don't and go to hell. That doesn't seem fair. So I'll just go live my own way and leave eternity up for chance. That's a totally acceptable answer. I understand that. It's tough to deal with accepting the authority of God. I bring a simple question to the table. When you drive your car, do you hold the steering wheel or Do you just drive down the highway at cruising speed with nothing on the wheel? Of course you steer, otherwise the car would be worthless. You couldn't even get out of the driveway if you didn't steer. heres my point and I'm kind of reaching for it, but God is the car. If you don't grab hold of the wheel you most likely would face a certain death. Especially if you let go after you were already on the highway. So why not grab hold of God? I think if you'd take the stereotypical glasses off of what it means to be a christian as portrayed by many today (i.e. westboro baptist church, and any other quoted tv "christian" leader ) and forget about your old church or experiences you'd find a refreshing new picture of who Jesus is and how he lives.

So, what if I'm wrong? I still lived a pretty awesome life of loving others then I die. I don't see anything wrong with that. So, what if I'm right? Eternity is at stake and I don't want to risk it.

As with all my blogs. I'm open for discussion. I put my thoughts out there.

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