Saturday, February 2, 2013

guns, pacifism and stuff.

*my thoughts sometime in early january of 2015
The below portion I wrote several years ago.  Quite honestly it's not what I expected having re read it.  I feel like I navigated these deep waters in a relatively shallow manner.   Perhaps that is best.  However, I was talking with a friend who just watched American Sniper and it really got me thinking.  I read a little about the movie and the emotional trauma that occurs in someone like Chris Kyle's life.  I don't want to tread in waters that I don't know anything about, but I have to believe that someone with his skill and ability to do what he does isn't by accident. There are people that practice really hard and are good at stuff, then there is raw, natural talent.  And when you combine practice and discipline with that, you get the best.

Anyway, onto my thought.  I don't understand human behavior.  And I don't understand God.  I know everyone and everything can be redeemed.  I thought I had to be right.  I thought I had to know where God stood on taking the life of another regardless of the circumstances.  Guess what?  I don't.   Perhaps there are some people that cannot be reached by good moral humans to discuss their decisions during their life.  That the only way to get their attention was to introduce them to God...through physical death.  The acts they were going to commit were so heinous, taking their life would be better than letting them take the lives of so many others.  It's hard for me to admit that, but remember, I don't have to be right.  Who is to say that God put those talented snipers on earth to stop these people?  Who is to say He didn't?  Who is to say that the only way to reach those so evil is to put them in front of God and let God deal with them? Who is to say it's not the only way?    As humans, we all have a right to say whatever we want.   As I discussed in a previous blog,  I'm not certain what I believe about Hell.  So lets pretend for a minute that Hell doesn't exist.  I don't believe for a second that when one truly encounters God that they can deny His existence.  And it's at that point I will trust God has it under control.  And that the one that was so evil that deserved death, gets a shot at a new life. 

*my thoughts in late january 2015 after reading this article.
     I don't think anyone that follows Jesus could be in a position to kill another.  But, you know, I'm no theologian.  I just don't believe he ever set that example.  My thoughts on the military and if we need it and those who are in it.  I have to respect their decision.  But the military today is not the military of our fathers or our grandfathers.  Those are most likely who influenced the most in that decision.  And certainly not our grandfathers fathers and grandfathers.   

Also, there are those actively serving and those they take orders from.  And these must be separated.  I know many in active service who are now pissed at that decision and want out.  Simply because it's not at all what they had in mind. 

Over the past year or so I had listened to several sermons about pacifism. I had never really thought about it that much. I am a Christian. I love Jesus. I love God. I try to be a good example of Jesus. I often fail. I try to understand who Jesus was. Not just from reading the bible, but really connecting with my heart and His. WWJD? In todays world it seems so many look to the founding fathers for their christian instruction. I find this absurd. I actually find it absurd to look to anything or anyone as the final word on how to act other that Christ himself. Unless you don't believe in Him. Then I trust that you really search your heart and be silent and whatever speaks to you, let it. We all hear a voice.

Back to pacifism. nevermind. I don't want to go there in this blog. It is a very personal thought to wrestle with. If you believe in Christ and want to live as Christ live....I encourage you to pray, meditate, listen and just let God speak to you about taking a life of another. There are many different situations. The sermons I listened totaled about 5 hours, so to try to sum it up in a few paragraphs would be an insult.

But seriously, Christian brothers and sisters. Why do you care if you own a gun or not? Think about it, long and hard. You are going to heaven right? What's your goal as a Christian? Get as many others to go with you right? So where does a gun fit in?

This is heavy stuff. Don't form an opinion about me or think I judged you in any way. I am always open for conversation. Matters of the heart aren't determined in a few written words by man. Would Jesus be lobbying for gun rights on the steps of the capitol? Would Jesus be standing in line supporting free speech at chic fila? Would Jesus be found carrying a gun? The disciples never used violence despite tremendous persecution.

Just some Thots o' lIFE

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