Friday, January 9, 2015


For more information and updates on 77, go here.

       Where to begin.....?  I guess I'll just go.  That's where great things usually spring forth.  Just taking the first step.   Those were some of the thoughts I had when my friend Matt Reichard asked me about two and half years ago to come to Haiti and do some photography for the ministry.  Playing with small children wasn't really my thing and I'm pretty sure Matt knew that.  But at the time he knew I enjoyed photography.  I didn't know it on that trip, but those children in Haiti would soon save my life.  And I would soon come to enjoy playing with little Haitian children. :-)   After my first trip I continued to go back several times, with my eighth trip scheduled for this December.  Every time I go, it's tough to leave.  But it gets a bit easier to say see you later because they know I'll be back.  But in the meantime there is plenty of work to be done stateside to help.  From getting sponsors for the children, raising funds for medical needs and making sure their housing, education and basic care is taken care of.  As well as connecting all of you to them.   One of the ways we do that is fundraisers and events to help spread awareness of the tangible ways you can help.  But remember, our job isn't to "save"  all of Haiti.  It's to be responsible for "77" little (and some that aren't so young anymore) children and invest in their lives in hopes that they make Haiti a better place in the future.

       Well, a month before my first trip to Haiti I ran my first ultra marathon.  32 miles according to my gps.  31 according to the race flyer.   It was one of the best worst things I've ever done.  And it planted an ultra running bug.  Part of a select few crazy enough to go beyond the 26.2 mile marathon and venture into the limitless beyond of what you are capable of.  I was going to try to use that race for a fundraiser, but my heart wasn't involved yet.  Guess what?  It is now.  Ultra's have been calling to me in my sleep (they know I'd pay more attention if I'm not 100% together) and I answered.  But by no mistake.  Let me explain.  Sorry if it seems sappy to you, it most certainly isn't  to me.   I lose myself on the trails.  I missed that.  I haven't been able to do that since my last ultra.  The thought entered my mind this past week in Haiti about running another 50k.  But I must have mistook the k for an m.  I decided that a 50 miler was in my future.  As I was driving home one afternoon last week, a thought popped in my head to run a 50 for my birthday on September 19.  But not just any 50, one that passes through my home town and on the Appalachian Trail.  One that starts down south and finishes at the bubble in boiling springs.  I could include anyone that wanted to join me for the whole thing, or anyone that wanted to run sections.  Then we could have a big party at my house for my 33rd birthday.   But that thought was fleeting.  I thought for sure it couldn't happen, lots of time devoted to training, school, kids, work etc.  And what are the odds that my birthday is on a saturday? Apparently pretty good.  It is.   And I thought why your 33rd birthday?  Well, that's the age Jesus died when he handed over his ministry to us.  So there.  It was pretty much undeniable at that point what I need to do.

     Up until a few hours ago, the 50 miler seemed easy peasy to me.  I was ready to go tomorrow.  In my mind at least.I've always set somewhat attainable goals for myself, just so I could complete them.  I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that with enough time training, I could handle a 50.   But then I got word from Haiti that one of the children I visited last week had died.  It was then I knew that I needed to venture beyond the feasible.  We have 77 kids to care for.  What better way to celebrate their lives then run a mile for each one of them?   I know, Right?  (*updated August 1st, due to an injury holding up training it will actually remain 50 miles or 77K) But I can't do it myself.  And that's why I need you all.  At this point the details are vague.  Other than that it will finish on my birthday September 19 2015.  I will need so much help, something I rarely ask for.  Mainly the days of the run.  I need a crew.  I'll need runners.  As far as raising money,  I'd like to raise enough money so all the kids have some sort of emergency fund.  I'd like to raise in the very least $5000 dollars.  I'll need more encouragement that I ever have.  But really, this isn't about me.  But those kids stretch themselves every single day to survive.  I want to stretch myself too.

      There you have it.  I've said it outloud.  No going back now.  If you already have some way in mind in which you'd like to help, please don't hesitate to let me know.  If you know of anyone that's run an ultra marathon before, at least 75 miles, please send them my way.

      A little about what the money is going to, it's a for a Medical Emergency Fund.  A fund that the staff of FGO can draw on in the event one of the kids breaks an arm, needs stitches, gets malaria or even needs glasses.  Needed glasses is an emergency in Haiti.  If you can't see, you can't learn.  If you can't learn, you can't get a job.  If you can't get a job, the outlook is bleak.  I'll spare you the ugly details.   Even when a child gets diarrhea,  it can lead to death.   You can make a contribution at  this go fund me account. Thank you so much for your support! 

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