Thursday, February 2, 2017

All Ban, No Plan

I struggled to find the words yesterday as I noticed a Facebook friend and somewhat real life friend (though I don't know them that well, but always looked to them as one of the Christians that seemed to live their beliefs) post a video about Clinton, Obama and Trump.

I'm going to pause and say I know Clinton wasn't a shining star of morality, neither was Obama.  Obama was behind 25,000 drone strikes responsible for the killing of innocent women and children.  He's no saint.  I'm not happy about that.  I still happen to think he was a little more strategic and sourced opinions and instructions from others that were more knowledgeable than himself.

But the video was clips of Clinton and Obama saying they need to tighten up immigration and borders.  Which they did.  Especially Obama.  He deported millions of illegal and undocumented immigrants.  He put plans and rolled out a vetting process that took longer and made it harder for people coming to America to get in.  All because we wanted to catch terrorists trying to sneak in.  And he did a pretty damn good job! But he never banned any countries.   As far as I know he never said to someone fleeing a war torn country who faced a real threat of death to stay home, you aren't welcome here.

And all through this video....flashes of Trump smiling smugly are shown.  I'm sorry, this isn't the same thing.  Obama did fight for more secure borders.  Obama did reduce the number of illegal and undocumented immigrants.  All without an all out ban.  Trump....puts a ban in place without a plan in place.  If Trump has a plan to up the cap to 50,000 allowed in, why not roll it out real time?  Teach people how it's going to work for a few months and start implementing it.  Isn't that how it works already?  As far as I can tell, there was no security need for an all out ban.

Sort of like what they are doing with the ACA.  ALL BAN, NO PLAN.

It kinda reminds me of a small scale example.  A battered and bloody man showed up on at the door of a place I was staying once.  It was late.  I was young, 19 or 20 maybe.  There was women of all ages in the house and the dad was gone.   He said he was in a four wheeler accident.  But from the location he gave, there was about 20 other houses he could have stopped at.  It didn't add up.  I didn't leave him alone.  I didn't lock him out.  I sat with him on the porch and kept him calm until the police arrived.   They took care of him and got him the help he needed.  It was all I could do.

Or how about a friend who noticed all the homeless people outside of local churches in the middle of winter?  Why aren't the inside the churches?  Why aren't the doors of a place that represents the one that said "Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest", open?   Fear?  Is that it?  Or don't you want to give up your comfort for the sake of others?  I struggle with that.  I'll be honest.  I'm pretty damn comfortable.  Don't take my comfort away.   I feel like most christians feel the same way.

I know people judge me based on what I write.  I know many times what I'm trying to say comes across as judgmental.  I guess it kind of is.  But I'll never look down on someone I disagree with.  I can never put myself on a higher pedestal.  We are all equals with opinions.

I've just been really confused lately with what I've seen come from Christians.  I grew up a Christian. I spent the first 32 years of my life going to churches.  The Christianity that's on display from America right nothing like the christianity I've come to know.  It's tough to find the churches that represent Jesus.  And even when you do, they aren't perfect.  And even they still don't want to give up all their comfort.  Nor do they have too.  Because if ALL Christians lived as Jesus.....Imagine that.

But in all reality.  I still kinda feel like Trump isn't doing anything much worse than any other president has done.  He's just not shy about it.

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