Friday, February 10, 2017

Legislating Morality and Diet Pills

Blog number 401 today, 389th published.  Nice.

Jesus was more interested in a change of heart rather than merely behavior change, true or false?

I'm going to assume the answer is true.  And honestly, its a good prescription.  I would venture to assume that if you change your heart, your behavior most naturally follows suit.

That's why diet pills and powders don't work and you can't legislate morality claiming it's because of your "christian faith".  Because if you want to ban certain things and you are a christian I think you have a greater responsibility to why they happen in the first place.   Just my opinion.

Let me explain.  I used to think it was good intentions for politicians to draft laws based on christian principles.  And maybe it still is.  But the law doesn't equate to behavior change.  There are laws saying you can't drink and drive, but people drink and drive.  There is a push to ban guns or something along those lines, but guns and murder will still exist.  And some people want to ban abortion.  But abortions will still happen.

God even learned that putting laws, rules, and guidelines in place so people would have a right relationship with him simply will not work.  Very few people succeeded.  Enter Jesus.  He came to fulfill the law.  He focused more on the heart change.

I'm not saying we shouldn't have laws.  I'm not even saying the laws won't change behavior.  But laws won't change the condition of the heart (most of the time).  You might be in favor of drunk driving being illegal.  But it's not until someone close to you dies by a drunk driver that you really feel emotionally involved into why you oppose drunk driving.  It's now more than just a rule you have follow.  

That's why diet pills, powders, and supplements don't work.   Using them is like legislating morality.  What if they are gone?  Would you still maintain the change you hoped would happen?  No.  They may help you achieve desired results, but if you never have a "why" planted deeply in your being as to why you want to get healthy and/or lose weight you'll always rely on the "product".  When in reality, you don't need the fancy product.  All the results can be done naturally.  The "why" is the heart change.  And if it's big enough it will lead to a complete overhaul of your diet/nutrition.  Most of those diet pills always say....use as a supplement to a healthy diet and regular exercise.  That's code for, it won't really work unless you change your behavior. my analogy was a little bit of a stretch.  But I hope you get the point of what I was getting at.  I'll leave you with this word from Sufjan Stevens.

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