Saturday, March 19, 2016

Daily Dose #4

Have you ever been hurt by something or someone?  Has someone done something to you that makes it really hard to trust them again?  It's hard.  Forgive them.  Not so easy.  Forgive yourself.  Even harder. 

Some stories I write about are real but I may vague them up a bit.  Because.

I was hurt by someone a long time ago.  Over an extended period of time too.  Their was a lot of lying and emotional abuse.  It ended abruptly.  And I moved on.  So did the other.  Years and years have passed and I knew I carried some pain but I always thought I could push it aside.  This other person seemed to have moved on from their past mistakes and was living a much different life.  They proved they have changed.  But I still hurt.  And it made it hard to be mad at this person anymore because they had changed.  But I am still mad and hurt.  I never fully expressed it.  The real people I'd like to get mad at and tell them how I feel are dead already.  So that can't really happen.  Recently I shared some thoughts with this person.  I hope they received it well.  My intent was not to hurt them back.  I hope I made that clear.  But I had to get some things off my chest.  

Anyhow, real things happening in real life.  People need a safe space to talk about this. 

Now, onto fire.  Fire is essential for survival.  Take Org for example. Org has been burned.  Org does not like fire anymore. Org knows that fire works for people.  He's seen people use it for many different reasons.  But since that dreadful day, he's been doing ok without it.  But over time he begins to see the benefits of something like fire.  Not fire itself, but the pleasantries of life that come from sitting around a fire with friends.  But Org cannot go right back to the fire.  Org needs something a little safer.  And this is when someone introduced Org to an electric cooktop.  Org is now enjoying the comforts and convenience of heat without the flame. 
Why do I tell you about Org?  Even today, people are hurt by the "church".  And even a church that doesn't even act like all the other churches still has one thing in common.  It's church.  If you spend your life stuck in the church you'll never see the multitudes of people that just want a safe space to work through life with.  

That might not make sense at all.  I can understand how hard it is for a church to separate itself from others.  But from an outsiders perspective.  Church is a church is a church.  Just like a franchise.  And the fact that there are different denominations and theologies make it that much more confusing.  

That's all for today.  

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