Friday, March 25, 2016

kids and guns.

Ok Ok Ok, this is one that I'm not definitive on.  Really, nothing is.  But this is me talking things out.  Feel free to chime in.  Share opinions on both.  Why it's ok and not ok.  I think we'll find differing opinions across the board.  Actually. I really don't even like writing about this.  Because I know how I feel and I'm probably in the minority.  Oh well, I'll post it anyway (I could have said Fuck it, I'll post it anyway and it should have been just as accepted).  They mean the same thing.  They are both expressions. Be honest, how many people have judge me or felt defensive or a negative emotion when they read the "f" word.  That's a stigma that must be eliminated.  OK....All of the above I've written after what I wrote below.  I need to go take my Ritalin now.  

One of these topics I've disussed before and my view is still the same.  The other is new.  I don't think I've written much about it because I don't want some parents to think I'm criticizing how they parent.  I'm not.  I'm doing two things.  I'm curious and I'm trying to engage one's mind in how they think.  

I've talked about "foul" langauge before.  I qoute foul, because the only thing that makes it foul is how we interpret the word, or the intent of it.  Therefore, calling someone a "fool" should be considered fould langauge.  I believe the intent of the word is far more important than the word.  If my child said out of frustration at me "You're a cotton headed ninny muggins", I'd have rather just have him call me an asshole.  Maybe we have an easier time because it's cute or not real.  But inside, those emotions are the same.  The child is trying to release a feeling through their words.  It shouldn't matter what words they use, as long as they are properly taught how to deal with their emotions in a healthy manner.   So whether you allow certain words or any words, I think it's important not to shame our kids if they say words that aren't "accepted".  (Even though everyone could accept them or at least not be bothered by them).  

I'm going to come back here.  

Guns and swords.  These things kill.  Yet I see kids playing war all the time.  They say it's in their nature.  That's what boys do.  They aren't hurting anyone.  They want to be a hero!  This allows them to play this out in reality.  Do you know why they want to be a hero?  Because you keep letting them watch super hero movies where there are good guys and bad guys.   Now, I'm not going to make a claim that saying playing with guns leads to wars and violence.  I mean, all generations before us had their kids play with guns and swords and there isn't hardly any war or violence today.  You may even allow your children to play with fake weapons because you plan on teaching them how to use real ones in the future.  If this is the case, I don't see much teaching going on.   

Ok.  So.  What's my point?  I'm not sure yet.  I was hoping to have figured that out by now.  I guess that if you think it's fine for your kids to play violence, then it's ok my my kids to say fuck, damn and shit.  And if they are using those words out of context or name calling, I would hope you correct without shame.  And if your children are pretending to execute people, I will teach them about executions and show them what guns and swords actually do to people.  Fair enough? 

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