Sunday, March 20, 2016

Daily Dose #5

Almost every day we tell our kids lies.  Not bad ones.  For example, different cartoon characters on the band aid all have a different special power.  Whatever it takes for them to calm down.  Or grabbing a different stuffed animal when they are having bad dreams and tell them this one keeps the bad dreams from happening.  Let me kiss it and make it better.  Where are all my other parents at? Can you relate?

Soon they will learn that these things aren't true.  Will they remember all the myths that were told?  I'm sure.  I just hope it's not a sickening blow.  Especially when Donald Duck doesn't make the best nighttime healing band aid and had I just went down and got a Mickey one we could have avoided that.  Or that the big stuffed snake doesn't eat all the bugs trying to get in their bed.  Or that the magical deer head actually keeps bad dreams away and protects the room from all evil.  Yes....My son does keep the head of my full size deer target in his room. Antlers and all.  Kind of freaks his mom and the babysitters out a bit.

However, even if some of these things still brought them some comfort after they realize there is no scientific proof to back it up is it really all that bad?  Just as long as on of our kids doesn't become a doctor and while making their nightly rounds gives donald duck band aids to all the patients with flesh wounds. I think the important lesson is that many people may find peace in a variety of different ways.

Millions upon millions of people are going to church this morning.

What if was all a story made up to help us make sense of things?  What if it was all made up to help people find peace, comfort and answers that might be real simply because it reframes our thinking and actually does these things?

What happens when you start to believe that





It's not easy working through that.  It's very deeply rooted. Yet there is a hope that it's not made up.  And as long as it still provides the peace that you seek, it's ok.  Really.  No one is faulting you for finding a peace and comfort in something that may or may not be real.  Because no one really knows for sure.  I try to say that with the utmost sincerity.  Finding peace is difficult.  And when you find something that works for you, awesome.  For you, it is real.  And that's whats important.  

But if you find yourself in a place of unrest.  And you aren't getting the same thing from your beliefs as you once did.  I am telling you that you are not broken.  Baby steps.  Do you believe it's good to be kind?  Generous? Loving? Honest?  Be those things in the meantime while you work through your feelings of belief.  

The things you deeply believe are special and important. Sometimes it's something greater trying to hatch in your spirit.  Dig.  Explore.  Ask.  Discover.  I believe there is something, something so big that it can universally bring all of humanity to.......

Sorry to take it so deep this morning.  

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