Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Preventative Maintance

I read an article earlier today about a 24 year old man that beat up a child.  A weeks old child.  Bruised ribs, broken collarbone, head injuries, the baby was in critical condition and probably won't make it.  I certainly hope those involved can recover from this trauma.  

These are the things the disturb me. On multiple levels. How does someone do this? Clearly they have some serious mental health issues. The first I think about after how horrific this is and I hope the baby is ok (probably won't be),  are the twisted comments from people about how this guy should be beat to death, hung, ripped apart, rot in hell, gang raped in prison....etc. I get it...you're pissed and this is the default mode when you don't understand. Repay evil for evil.  But does that solve anything? 
These stories happen all the time. I think so often we just accept it. Do you know what I'd like to see happen. This guy get tried. Get locked up. And learn from him. Study him. Therapize him. Find out what was in his past or present that led him to behave this way.  Even if he seemed totally competent the whole time and didn't seem to have any regret. This behavior is NOT normal and we have a responsibility (if we care about doing what we can to prevent it) to find out what caused this. Because if we don't do that, it will happen again. And again. And you know what, even if we did, it might still happen. But not doing anything with the perpetrators other than throw them in jail certainly won't help us learn about the people that commit these horrible atrocities. 
I mean...God used the rapist/adulterer and murderer David right? So if you consider yourself a Christian, Where do you stand on this issue? 
And I'm the one that doesn't exactly believe in the whole christianity story. Yet I still want to extend grace to the very people that don't deserve it. Just like you and me. It's what's in the heart that matters right? What's in the heart of all these people that want to fuck that guy up? Is it the same as lust in our heart? 
Anyone have anything to add?  Did I miss something somewhere? 

And down the rabbit hole I went.....

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