Monday, March 21, 2016

Systems and their failures.

School sucks.  Yes.  Kids say it often.  And parents often push those phrases aside.  But what if we actually listened to them.  Maybe it does suck.  Maybe after a certain grade, school just doesn't work for some kids.   But currently, we blame it on the kid.  It's their fault for not studying enough or paying enough attention.  What if beyond a certain point, some people just don't learn the same as the majority.  Why don't we have systems in place to help those kids?  I was one of those kids.  And school sucked.  And no one listened.  Except for Mrs. Jill Davis.  I remember something she said to me.  She said I had some of the most incredible insight.  It's stuck with me longer than than anything I was supposed to learn in high school.  If it wasn't for that, outside of meeting new people, I'd consider all those years in that building a waste.

But here in America we love systems.  And if you don't fit the system, tough.  Figure it out.  Work harder.  The sad part is, so many people believe our systems are incredibly flawed.  But it's easier then it would be to start a new one.  So lets just stay the course.  Change doesn't happen until being where you are is more difficult than the actual process of changing to what could become.  I feel like as a society were on the brink of that.  But the sad part may take anywhere from 4 years to 400 years.

Don't confuse what I'm saying.  Many people thrive in the standard educational system.  In fact, I'd venture to say that the majority either thrive or are able to complete with good success.  But again, what is there for the others?  The others that are most likely just as smart, if not smarter, respectively. They just don't learn the same way.

What if there is another way?  What if after a certain level of education we offer internships, more mechanical and technical classes, a more "attentive to one's learning style course"?  Would it cost more money?  Maybe.  But I don't think it would at all.  I think there are a few different ways of learning and traditional school mainly focuses on one.  We live in an era where anything is possible.  And maybe there are already places that offer this.  Maybe the breakdown is when kids try to explain their struggles in learning, parents don't listen.  Life is hard enough, now I have to figure out how my kids learn and adjust accordingly.  Well,  what if your kids leg fell off? Would you expect them to still be just as mobile?  No way!  You'd do what it took to get fitted for a prosthesis.  Or you'd teach them how to be just as active on a wheelchair, or with a set of crutches.

And again, this doesn't just apply to schools. There are so many systems out there that work for most.  But what about the others?  What is your attitude towards them? Is it one to help them where they are or are you trying to fit their circle into your triangle hole?

Just some thoughts for the day.

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