Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Front runner.

“The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.” -Brennan Manning

I used to read this and be mad at other "christians". But last I had thought of this quote a different way. What if the christian that is in question here, is you? What if you are the one denying Jesus with your lifestyle? And that is pushing you into Atheism. This one is hard to wrap your head around. Not for me, I've been on this journey.

It's no secret anymore that I've got some serious doubts and questions about the bible and christianity. The ironic thing to me, it's made me more aware of the harsh reality of life. The here part of life. The way our decisions effect others. For the good and the bad. I wonder why many of us in America who call themselves christians sit in the lap of luxury knowing there are sick starving children around the world (and maybe some within a mile of us).

We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters. If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person?

That came from the Gospel of 1 John 3:16,17.

So when I look at myself and some of the lavish churches in America, how can God's love be there? And the buildings and production keep getting bigger.

And bigger.

And bigger.

Then the justifications start. And many of them are quite compelling. The bigger the churches, the more members, the more tithes and that means more money going out the door. But that also means more staff, more bills, more space, more more more more.

I've often wondering if a small church that rented a space could give as much money to those in need as a large church with huge buildings and budget.

Now, I know first world people have problems too. That's not to minimize that. But if that person needs a church of 2000+ people with huge buildings and production to help...maybe they are getting the wrong idea of what kind of help they are receiving. That God resides in this big facility and not a friend sitting with you for an hour listening. Accepting you as you are and loving them none the less.

Sure, there are some churches doing it right. If that's you, great. Keep on keeping on. But if you think this about your church....that's for you to wrestle with.

Again, I've only presented my one side. I'd be more than welcome to hear some discussions. And know that I have lots of friends that work in churches. I believe you are where you believe you need to be. But do you? You don't need to answer that to me. But just something to chew on.
Sometimes I write as though I'm conversing with myself. Welcome to my head.

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