Friday, March 10, 2017

Dance your Heart out

I hated school dances.  So much pressure.  Homecoming and Prom.  Those were the pinnacle events in one's high school career.  Everyone wants to go, except for people like me.  The ones that hate dancing.  But you also know it's pretty vital for potential or current relationships.  So you have to push through it and hope they play lots of slow dance songs.

And then just when you think dances are over, your friends start getting married.  Have you ever been to a wedding and not danced for fear that those watching would make fun of you?  Let me ask you something, have you even sat in the crowd and made fun of people dancing?  No.  They were all the best dancers.  Wrong.  Most of them sucked at dancing too.  They just didn't care what anyone thought.  They were having fun.  So what makes you think that if you go up and dance people would make fun of you?   Truth be told, unless I have a guitar slung low, the only other time you'll catch me moving to the music is if I'm running or driving.  And it's incredibly erratic.

I just don't think dancing is fun.  At all.

Take running for example.  In a day that so many people post their running times and distances online, it's easy to think people are judging how fast you are.  So if you'd post your 12 minute mile time you know people would comment on how slow you were.   No.  They wouldn't.  They'd be happy that you are out and moving.  A 12 minute mile is faster and longer than what most are doing.  And it's not a race.  And if it was, you are only competing against yourself.  So don't be ashamed of running "slow", be afraid of not running/walking/moving at all.

But dancing.   I have nothing to be afraid of if I never dance again in my life.

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