Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Is it of value?

I was listening to Sam Harris's podcast yesterday.  I randomly discovered it while taking  shit yesterday morning.  I deleted Facebook off my phone so I needed something to do.  I felt prompted to commit internet suicide but decided maybe just scaling back would be better.  Anyway...the one podcast I listened to was mind blowing.

But before he got started he shared his stance on running ads to support his podcast and he said he doesn't do that anymore.  Even if likes audible, he doesn't want you to go get audible just because he likes it.  He want's you to get audible because you find value in it.   So he doesn't promote and accept money for it.

He's got over a million listeners to his podcast, yet only 1% contribute to it.  It costs money to do a podcast.  The education/information you can learn is priceless.  PODCASTS ARE FREE.  For now.  You get access to so many people through podcasts that you would have to pay hundreds to hear from otherwise.  There are a number of podcasts that I listen to regularly and I support many of them with small amounts.  I get value from them.  I listen to them weekly.  If the majority of his listeners donated 50 cents a month, they could do some amazing things with that money.  A small broadcast company could be started.

But no.  People don't.  They assume there are so many other people, someone will donate.  But that doesn't happen.  NOBODY donates.  Everybody wants it for free.

But what I don't get...most people spend between a dollar and several dollars on a beverage they don't need and provides no real value to your life....EVERY DAY.  But you can't donate a days beverage cost to a something else you get infinite value from?   Makes no sense to me whatsoever.

That all being said.   I get an average of 100 readers everyday.  That's no where near the amount of listeners Sam Harris has.

I didn't really start writing everyday to get a massive following.  I just thought writing would be good for me and others may find value in reading my thoughts.  Apparently around 100 people do.

So if you find value in reading this, or you just enjoy the shit show that goes on here, feel free to kick a few bucks my way every month.  And when I stop writing, or you stop reading, feel free to cancel.

Honestly though.  I don't want your money.  You can keep it.

But if you find value in something...don't just be a taker.  Add value to the thing you value.

But just in case.

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