Saturday, March 4, 2017

It better be the BEST.

I get sick and tired of the talk that Immigrants come to the USA and take our jobs.  This is quite simply...bullshit.   They don't take anything.  If anything, they take advantage of the opportunity for success like we citizens never have or will.  Employers take your jobs from you.  And yes, sometimes they give those jobs to immigrants.  Why?  They know they'll work circles around you and won't bitch and moan like you do.

FYI, I'm not speaking to anyone specific when I say "you".

Are there some immigrants that mooch off the bet.  Just like many americans do too.  So I guess you could say they are only trying to do as the americans do.

So just cut the crap about losing jobs to immigrants.  There is plenty of opportunity in America.  You just might have to move.  But hey, at least you don't have to move to an entire new country.  Be thankful for the opportunity we have here in the US.  Take advantage of it.

I just got back from a short trip to Haiti.  Often times when I come back I get all pissy about how much stuff we have in America.  I get pissed at how much excess we have here.  But this time was different.

I was coming back through security in Fort Lauderdale and my bag got "selected not by random" to do a search.  They were once again checking out my coffee.  They were swabbing for explosive residue.  But lucky me, their machine to test wasn't working.  By lucky me, I mean that not because I was working with explosives but because I wouldn't have my time wasted by smoke and mirrors.  They gave up and allowed me through.   All this technology and money spent and it doesn't work.  Speaking of security...surely I wouldn't be able to get a knife and fork through.  They could be weapons like the plastic child scissors they confiscated.   But I could walk right into the terminal Chili's and take swipe several before they would even notice.  I could probably get "lost" and end up in the kitchen and steal some much sharper knives too.  Some I said, smoke and mirrors.

But while were were at Chili's my order was screwed up twice.  And all I asked for was no bun, no onions, and no chili lime sauce.  As well as some jalapeño aioli sauce on the side.  TWICE they messed up.  I let the mistakes go.  And then they said they couldn't separate our check into individual tickets.  There was no add'l tip for parties of 8, so that wasn't a reason.   Well, how do they separate 8 peoples meals that are setting in different seats?  Right?   C'mon America.  We live in one of the best, most advanced countries in the world.  You better be the best.  There is no excuse.  You have every opportunity for excellence at your fingertips.  Don't waste it.

But hey, if you decide to not take advantage of it, don't be pissed if someone else does.  You have your chance.  Taking it is up to you.  Nobody ever said it would be easy.


  1. I deal with a nursery that is local. It's probably one of the largest and it is where I get my supplies. They have a rather large employee force of Mexicans. The one guy Raphael that I deal with most often is a great guy, hard worker, doesn't complain. He has learned english very well over the years he has been there and it is a pleasure to see him and ask about his family that is back in Mexico. Raphael works here from April to November and then goes back over the winter. With that said, he works for much less than if an American worker was to do the job. Same goes for Orchard workers and I have a great friend in the fruit business and know first hand from him. Like Raphael, most of these migrant workers are put up in homes and much of everything is provided for them. They usually send most all their money back home to their family and even though the money isn't what we would get paid, it is a lot for them, especially back home. I have a friend in the landscape business that hires many Mexicans as well. the bottom line is that they get better work out of them at a reduced output monetarily. Why should I hire an American worker that I have to pay 12 dollars an hour and then quite possibly have them be unreliable when I can hire a Mexican that does his job and works hard for 8 dollars an hour? Simply logical. then their is the whole thing that an American cannot live on that kind of hourly rate, but the immigrant workers can. So while I understand what you are saying, there is some truth to the fact that The immigrant has a better advantage to get certain jobs than Americans do. Call that taking jobs away or what you want.

    1. Yes. But who hires them? They don't hold the employer hostage till they get a job.
