Thursday, March 2, 2017

Just a few questions for you, Tim Tebow.

I listened to an interview with Tim Tebow yesterday.  I'm not sure when it was filmed, but he was asked a question about how he juggles the pressure of his career and his charity work.

He said that the pressure of being 0 for the last 12 and standing at the plate for the 13th time pales in comparison to walking the streets of Haiti and picking up a cripple and providing help.  He said that charity work is so much more important than being a sports star.  He wants to live a life of purpose and that is NOT being a sports star.  He wants to help people and give people hope.  He said that he wants to be known for his good works on the charity field.  But he also said he works hard and is incredibly thankful that he can use his sports success (the little bit of it) as a platform to be heard for all the charity work.

My question to Tebow, why are you still playing sports?  Why not go full time missionary?  What are you so afraid of?   I think you may be hiding behind a shield of....."but it's my platform".   Why don't you make charity work your platform?  Why do you even need to have a platform?  Does God care how famous you are?   I wish you would stop saying you don't care about your sports career, clearly you do care.  Otherwise you'd have stopped playing a long time ago.

When I was in Amway, all I wanted to do was make a difference.  I thought if I made a shit ton of money people would listen to me.  They said I needed a platform before I could really make a difference.   I'm glad I stopped listening to that horse shit.

I really don't think God requires a worldly platform.   Why do so many people keep their platform instead of fully devoting to their calling?  Who are you trying to impress?

Don't think I'm being critical of Tebow...I think he's a great guy.  But sometimes I don't think many of the nicest people even realize what they are saying.  Even me at times.

Not sure if any of that made sense.  Let’s elaborate in the comment section a bit if need be.

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