Monday, March 27, 2017

Thanks Facebook. And a smorgasbord. Plus a rant.

One of my favorite things to do everyday is to open up the  "on this day" section of Facebook.  I'll often see some of the amazing things I had written, but more importantly, I see photos and videos of my kids when they were younger.    Facebook doesn't have to keep all that stuff, but they do.  And one day it might be gone.  So thanks for that.

Oh.  And if you voted for Trump, is that what you had in mind?  How are things shaking out?  Is he the president you hoped for?  A whiny, cry baby, excuse making lying sack of shit?  Is that who you voted for?  No, I don't think you did.  I think if you knew who he really was, you'd have passed right over him.  I know he doesn't represent you.  Not anymore.  And you don't even have to apologize, you are forgiven.

Rant coming.  You have been warned.

Do you have any idea the effect sugar has on your brain?  It's horrible for you.  Especially sugar in excess.  In fact, it has no real value.  Any benefits it may have far outweigh the negatives.   It interacts with your brain like a drug.  It effects behavior.  What really gets me pissed off, is the amount of it given to kids at pre-school and other childrens events.  Between snacks of highly processed junk food and a ridiculous amount of candy at holidays and birthday parties, it should be illegal.  You might not agree with me, which is fine.  But why force that shit on all the kids?  We don't give them alcohol.  We don't give them tobacco.  We don't let them experiment with drugs.  So why is a substance given to them that interacts in your brain the same way cocaine does?  OH, that's are addicted to it too.   Sugar effects short term behavior as well.  Here is an article to get you started.   So while I'm not saying cut all sugar out of your childs diet, and I'm certainly not judging you, you can't argue with science.

I used to be addicted to sugar.  I'd eat sugar all the time.  I'd have a pocketful of jelly bellies with me at all times.  I'd get sugar from every gas station I stopped at.  It wasn't easy to quit.  I fed my kids that stuff.

Granted, they still get some now from fruits and veggies.  I even eat berries.  They are a great low sugar fruit.  And if you eat a banana because it's healthy, broccoli is actually much better for you and has more of the same quality vitamins and minerals than a banana without the fructose.  Oh...fructose isn't the same as glucose.  So you don't even get that much immediate energy from a banana.

Look...I get it.  Sugar makes you feel good in this world where everyone seems to need something to make you feel good.  I'll throw down a challenge to you.  If you don't think you have a sugar problem, keep it under 30g a day.  That's the daily allowance for sugar intake.  That's ONLY 7 TEASPOONS.  Oh....and your kids only get 19g for 4-6 year olds and 24g for 7-10.

Maybe this is why people hate me.  Sorry for trying to help the health of  you and your children.  And please....don't feed my kids sugar.  I won't judge you for giving it to yours, you don't judge me for restricting my childs sugar intake.

End rant.  I could go on.  But whatever.  I know what it's like trying to convince an alcoholic they have a problem.  You can't.  They just get pissed.

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