Wednesday, March 8, 2017

People can be Assholes

This one fires me up.  It's a bit of a rant.

When I started a lifestyle change of eating clean and real foods, cutting carbs, avoiding all processed foods, and eliminating sugar there were a few people that spoke out and were concerned about my health and well being.   I've since had many friends convert to a ketogenic lifestyle.   They reported the same thing.   It's incredibly frustrating.  This way of eating is not new.  It's been around for hundreds of thousands of years.  There is nothing to be concerned about.  In fact, eating a ketogenic diet has far less concerns (in any at all) than your consumption of twinkies, candy, ho-ho's, pizza, booze, simple carbs, and soda.  

Where were these concerns about my health when I was drinking two bottles of whiskey a week?  Where were your concerns when I carried jelly bellies in my pocket?  Where were your concerns when I would eat a quart of ice cream at a time and anything else that was placed in front of me?  Where were your concerns when I experienced several health issues because of my poor diet?  Where were your concerns when I was 50 lbs overweight?  Where were your concerns with the 4 other diets I had been on and severely cut calories and exercised like a fool only to have the weight all come back because that kind of diet is unhealthy and unsustainable?  But now all of the sudden after countless hours, days, weeks and months of research and studying on eating a healthy diet that will help me on so many levels you are concerned about my health.   Sorry.....but fuck your concerns about my health. Your history of concern about my health shows me that  you don't care about my health.

I don't mind questions about my diet.  But please preface your question with why you are asking what your intent is.

You don't even want to know what people had to say when I mentioned I fasted.  And that I'd sometimes go days without eating.   Fasting is NOT an eating disorder and is incredibly beneficial.

I will say, it's not size.  It's health.
Being skinny doesn't equal healthy.
But being overweight is a primary
contributor of several health problems
and limitations. 
A few days ago a close friend of mine said she was at work and her stomach started growling a little after lunch.  She apologized to her co-workers and they asked if she had lunch.  She didn't.  She doesn't need to eat lunch.  She's incredibly fat adapted and has zero problems going without food, especially between breakfast and dinner.  The co-workers began telling it's not healthy to not eat and she was starving herself.  This is simply not true.  Your stomach doesn't growl when it's time to eat.  It doesn't even growl when you are hungry.  It growls because you have air in your stomach and that's what's moving around. is because the food is done processing in your stomach.  But it's not a sign you are starving and need to eat more food.  You'd think those in the health profession would know that.

What if I decided to just comment on everyones eating choices?  Why does it seem ok to comment on someones diet or weight if they are skinny?  What if I saw a fat person eating shit food and told them something like, "Hey, you are already incredibly overweight.  You can barely fit in your chair.  You really shouldn't be eating all those sugary treats.  They aren't helping your health in any way.  Oh and the apple and banana you just ate are full of fructose that when paired with everything else you just ate will be sent straight to your fat stores."   I'll stop there.  Because no, that would be awful.  And I don't judge people based on their size and what they eat.  That's their choice.  The information is out there and I think most people know their diet isn't as good as it should be.  And there are multiple factors involved in why it's hard to change.  I get it.

My frustrations lie more with the FDA, the USDA and the food industry.   Greedy bastards.  It's ridiculous the more you learn about these groups.  It will make you sick, literally.

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