Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I really got it this time.

Actually, no I don't.  I really have nothing this morning.  But I couldn't let a day go by without sitting down in front of the computer and try to come up with something.

I tried to watch Westworld last night.  So many people said it was so good.  I fell asleep during the first episode.  And it's not like it was late.  It was 9:15pm.  So it's highly unlikely I will continue watching that show.

I'm still trying to figure out life.  I still haven't figured out what I want to be when I grow up.  Maybe instead of pushing our kids to figure out what they want to be, we should help them figure out WHO they want to be first.  I don't know.  I just made that up to sound clever.  But I don't think it really is.  Someone make a meme out of that so I can deconstruct it.

I know who I am.  I know what lies in my head and my heart.  What's hard is getting others to see who I really am.  It often seems like the image of me that I project is not always communicated correctly.

I have the best of intentions.  I want things to be easy for everyone.  I want fairness.  I want people to be honest with their feelings and not be concerned how they'll be received.  It's not good to harbor things.

It's ok to say no.  It's ok to take time for yourself.  Even if you think other people depend on you and if you say no, it will make it harder for them, it's still ok to say no.

I used to say yes to everything.  Then I'd get overwhelmed.  I'd grow a little resentful towards the people I said yes to.  And I'd take certain liberties because I said yes.  Like something was owed to me for helping.  Then whoever I was helping would start to pick up on that.  And they'd rather have me said no, if I was going to be like that.

So if you are tired.  If you need a break.  If you find yourself cutting corners and taking the easy road when you are helping someone else.  Know that it's ok to say no.  Whoever it is that you think needs your help will figure something out.

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