Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Dallas Sucks Happy Meals

I was driving to work yesterday and saw a sticker with a Philadelphia Eagles logo on it that had the words "Dallas Sucks".   What a stupid sticker.  Actually, the eagles suck.  But what I didn't like was that you are an eagles fan, but instead of lifting up your team you bring some other team down.  That sounds a lot like how most American christians treat their faith.  People know what you are against more than what they know you are for.  I'm not going to dig to deep into this one, but you know what I mean.  Not all christians are like this, I know.  But those that are, are often the loudest.  I'm not going to be an eagles fan just because dallas sucks.

And happy meals.  Recently I noticed Mcdonalds happy meals weren't gender specific.  Every kid gets the same toy.  I thought this was just because of the particular toy.  Then burger king said they don't do the boys or girls kids meals anymore either.  I'm sure all the super conservative friends are outraged by this madness!!!! Actually, I doubt it because this is a fantastic idea.  No more kids whining about wanted the other kids toys.  They all get the same one.  

Recently Target took their boys/girls signage down from the toy section in an effort to let kids pick their own toys.  Why are toys gender specific anyway?  But the girls aisles are all still pink.  It's pretty easy to tell.  Seriously though, other than dolls what do girls play with?

I want kids to grow up in a non gender specific world.  To some extent of course.  Let kids play with whatever toys.  I think it's great to see all the kids in my neighborhood playing together. The girls jump in and play guns with the boys.  Even though I'm still on the fence with the gun stuff.  Honestly...if we are gonna do the gun thing lets just play paintball.  I like how they all ride bikes.  I like how the girls and the boys both were a part in carrying around the deer carcass through the backyard.  Although, I did have to yell at them to put it back where they found it and to wash there hands really well after carrying it.  They did put it back, I hope they followed through with the other suggestion.

My son isn't quite old enough to run through the neighborhood.  Or maybe he is, maybe I'm just not ready for it.

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