Thursday, May 12, 2016

Lets talk about Sexting

I wasn't going to write about sexting this morning.  Imagine that. But I read some things on facebook about three local teens involved in sending a dick pic around.  This is the story in my own words.  It's 17b (boy) and 15b both have a crush on 17g.  They plan to fight over her.  I wonder where they learned to fight over something?  15b takes a pic of his member and sends it to 17g.  17g sends it to 17b and he takes a photo of it and sends it around to others.  They all get caught.  Police get involved.  There is news stories about these three.  Two of them face serious charges.  But none of the other hundred or so kids in the school that do the same thing are caught.  Don't be naive people.  Kids do this.  Just like 90% of adults look at porn and would never admit it.  Or they would.  Sexting is everywhere.  what do you think snapchat was created for?

People are saying we need to talk to our kids about sexting now. Guess what?  You knew about sexting before this happened. Why didn't you talk to them about it then?  Wake the fuck up parents.  Your kids are doing everything they aren't supposed to do, or they want to and will do it soon.  You know why they won't talk to you about it?  They are scared to.  Because you don't tell them about all the stupid things you do.  Tell them everything.  All the doobie you smoked, all the times you got drunk, all the people you slept with...EVERY DAMN MISTAKE OR ACT OF QUESTIONABLE BEHAVIOR you've ever done.  Otherwise, they'll do the same thing and never tell you about it.  Just like you did with your parents and just like your parents never told you their shit either.

So if anyone says anything hurtful to any of these kids.  Look in the mirror.  Own up to your own shit to everyone around you before you go judging others.

You wonder why kids are so sex charged?  They were designed for sex in their early teens.  Should any of these kids have done that?  No.  But they aren't the only ones.  They are the only ones that got caught.  Have you seen the new Calvin Klein ad campaign? It's an upskirt shot showing off a nice pair of undies.  And you wonder why all our kids have sex on the mind.

These kids did something wrong.  Hand them their punishment.   No need to have all the media coverage. Everyone knew this was happening before the media.  They just deny it.

To the kids that get caught.  Don't do stupid shit like this.  But you've learned that lesson.  But don't beat yourself up about it. Everyone does stupid things.  When you are older and want to pass along erotic photos to someone, have at it.  Nothing to be ashamed of.  But you do know...once that photo is out's out there.  Even if it's legal.  Don't carry shame around from this.  It's not worth it.  And if anyone brings it up and tries to shame you....know that they are doing that because they have all kinds of skeletons in their closet they keep trying to hide.

To the 15b's out there.  don't take dick pics and send them to people.
To the 17g's out there.  even if you get one, don't re-gift it.   lesson learned.
To the 17b's out there.  be the mature one and delete it.  now you and 17g have a record.

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