Saturday, May 21, 2016

Sensitivity at it's Finest

There are things I shouldn't write about because I have a limited scope of knowledge.  Good thing I don't always follow the rules.  However, this is a sensitive topic and I'm going to do my best to wade through the waters without much disruption.

First, let me say I used to be what you would call a right wing evangelical capitalism loving christian in my views towards lots of things.  I'm not saying they are all like that, I'm just saying that is what I was and these are the views that were being fed to me.  For starters, mental illness wasn't really a thing.  You should just watch a funny movie and be happy.  Gay is a sin.  A big one.  The biggest maybe.  And you need to go get conversion therapy.  Abortion is murder and an abomination.   You MUST VOTE republican.  No matter what.  Very strong views.  OH!!!!  And you can pry my guns out of my cold dead hands.

I'm not poking fun.  This was me.  Now, I believe mental illness is a thing.  And there are both natural remedies and medication.  Both are great.  I don't believe gay is a sin (of course, I don't really believe in "sin" either).  I don't think abortion is murder.  I think it is a very difficult and emotion situation in which people need less judgement and more love.  I still have guns and would love to add a .22 to the collection so I can kill the groundhogs in the back yard.  Although it would be fun to pick em off the .50 cal flintlock.

So it's safe to say some of my views have changed.  And I can be a little harder on the former views because I was one.  I held those aggressive views and now I know how much of an asshole I looked like.  And I may still.

Today....two things guns and babies.  There are many in the camp I was in that are screaming to outlaw abortion. They are also the ones that want to keep their guns.  They claim that Obama wants to take their guns.  I've never heard that.  They say banning guns won't stop gun violence.  It will only make it easier for criminals to shoot people.  Because criminals don't follow the rules.  I get it...fair point.  Banning guns won't stop gun violence.  At this point, nothing will stop gun violence.  There is to much money in the firearm industry.

So how will banning abortions stop abortions?  Because this is the message many of those in the camp I was a part of believe.  Ban abortions.  But if abortion is murder, that would make those having the abortion murderers, and criminals don't follow laws do they?  I don't for a second think abortion is murder.  And don't even try to debate me on this because I will easily show you how you murder people all the time and don't give two shits about it.

If you are still with me here...between 1989-1994 artists like Dr. Dre, Tupac, Biggie, Redman, Snoop Dogg and many others dramatically increased the amount of foul langauge in their work.  Certain organizations spend countless hours researching and listening and deciding what to do about this and came up with the idea to put stickers on all the art that labeled it explicit.  Fine.  Whatev.  How about you find out what the reason for the langauge was instead.  How about spend all that time and money teaching those youngsters that might listen to it the culture in which the artist was brought up and why they feel the need to use that  language. Perhaps understanding the feelings and situation of the artist would have been a great option.  Or you could just slap a sticker on it and say it's explicit.  According to you.

How does this relate to abortion?  Perhaps if you'd stop putting a sticker on it.  Find out why women feel like they need an abortion.  Learn about what is available as far as contraception and prevention. I don't believe anyone wants to get an abortion.  I sincerely hope there aren't women getting pregnant just so they can have an abortion.  Banning abortion will not stop abortions.   They will happen, underground and in alleyways.  And it will put many more lives at risk.  Just like banning guns will not stop gun violence.

But you know what will help.  Regulations that make things safer and lead to more preventions.  Larger background checks, titles for guns, registrations for guns just like there are for cars.  If you are law shouldn't have any problems keeping your guns.  Unless you are a criminal...then you shouldn't have them.  Will bad guys still get them, yes...  More access to birth control, more access to womens health care....etc.   Abortions have actually been on the decline for several years.

Anyway.  I didn't have a lot of fun writing this.  I don't know much about abortion or guns. Or rap music.  Someone could do a much better job than I at creating good discussion.  So feel free to discuss.  Nobody likes abortions.  Nobody likes gun violence. Everybody loves rap music.

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