Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Industry of Christian

The Industry of Jesus.  I capitalized that because it is a thing.  Several years ago I was at a christian bookstore and they were selling a tool set with bible verses on it. The tools were cheap.  Not the price.  But the tools were flimsy and poorly constructed.  What a waste.  And the mints.  Those Testa"mints".  And music.  Christianity has it's own genre.  

Growing up in and playing in a "christian" punk rock band I learned a few things.  Christians hate it when one of their tribe doesn't fit it.  One year at the Creation Festival (like woodstock only christian) the band P.O.D. didn't play because they were on tour with ozzfest.  So many people lost their shit over this.  P.O.D. hanging with sinners instead of us religious folk.  Blasphemy!!!  Or does it remind you of another?  Jesus maybe?  

Or when we had Craig's Brother, a band on Tooth and Nail Records come play a show with us.  I remember they showed up and told us what to do.  They expected us to move their equipment and they were even smoking and cussing.  *GASP* I thought for sure they couldn't be christian and they were tarnishing the "christian" music image.  Craigs brother was never a christian band.  They were just christians in a band.  This is most often the case.  They, like many other "christian" bands began playing in church venues because people loved it! But as time passed they realized it wasn't what they wanted and had a hard time losing the label of christian band.  See, just because a band doesn't have a "christian" label, it doesn't mean their lyrics are all about sex and drugs.  Or maybe they are, but talking about the dangers and affects of.  

Their story isn't a stand alone.  So many other bands all of the sudden find themselves in chains to the christian industry.  There was one band huge in the christian scene, back in the 90's.  At the end of their record, they had a bunch of free space, so they just recorded themselves goofing around.  one of them said "ass".  Instant backlash from the christians.  Although everything else was great.  This band fell apart becasue of an ass.  Funny...because God used an ass...multiple times. Maybe they were reading the story of Balaam and you christians who backlashed just ruined their career.  Way to go.  

This is only the tip of the iceberg.  like .000001% of the shit that happens in christian industry.  I would venture to guess if you were to look at Capitol Christian Music Group, Sony or Warner from the'd never know which one was Christian or not.  So many shysters involved in all of them. 

And what about mega church pastors?  What about any pastor?  Are they allowed to be open and honest about their thoughts and feelings?  Their questions? Are they allowed to wrestle with the same things you do? Are they allowed to say Mother Fucker without fear of losing their job when they stub their toe or step on a lego? Are they allowed the freedom of presenting challenging topics in a blog where they might use language that you may not appreciate? If they said "shit" in context, would that turn you off so much that it would cause you to excommunicate them? Why don't you grant them the same grace that you grant yourself on a daily basis? 

When people are kept in chains and in fear that a "slip up" might cost them their job and their livelihood, it creates stress.  In some cases it waters a seed of bitterness towards the very people you are trying to serve.   I could be the smartest person in the world and the nicest guy ever, but some people would not agree with me because I say some cuss words.  Oh...and I may enjoy a cigar and some whiskey too.  

What if the pastor of your church left?  Would you leave too? Do you follow a pastor or Jesus? Oh..and you don't need a pastor to have a relationship with God.  And they are people too.  With real thoughts and struggles as you.  Their shit stinks just like yours. Give them some grace.   

When an artist puts their work together, they shouldn't be bridled by what society or current church culture thinks is "right" or not.  If a lyricist who loves Jesus finds a place in his song where a "word" works well and speaks to a point but won't be accepted by church culture they have to make a decision.  Don't force them to do that.  Let them create art.  

If your favorite christian artist finds themselves questioning the book of genesis.  Don't exclude them from your library and excommunicate them.  Embrace them.  Explore the book together.  Is God not bigger than questioning?  Can he not handle itty bitty you wondering about the vastness of time and the cosmos?

What's that old song?  "They'll know we are christians by our love."  Is that it?  Seems like more and more people know christians by their hate and judgmental behavior. 

Don't hate the messenger.  What if I was born 2000 years too late and this was a book of the bible?  What if all my writings were 2000 years too late?  What if my blogs are inspired by God and the christians today respond just like the religious folk of Jesus day?   I prayed for wisdom a few years ago.  Repeatedly.  Sincerely.  Nick Vujicic told me I should.  I can't learn from books.  So wisdom is my only hope.  What if all my ramblings and all my crazy theories are finally wisdom coming out?  Or I might just be crazy.  But aren't all the game changers a little crazy?

Certainly this isn't a criticism of all christians.  There are good ones out there that live out their faith.   There is a family that I know that reminds me of that.  I see them daily.  I never see them pass judgement and always see them welcoming to others.  It's refreshing, it keeps me believing that there is a real tangible Christianity out there. 

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