Sunday, May 22, 2016

Time to Clean House

Interesting.  Not nearly as many people read about abortion and guns from yesterday as they did on the Jesus Industry.

This morning I find myself sorting our kids toys.  It sucks.  It's long overdue.  I am making a pile for a yard sale, a big trash bag for some and trying to decide which ones to stash in the crawlspace.  I know I got a little joy when I'd find toys from my younger days.  So I think all the Thomas tracks and trains will find a place down there.  This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.  I don't want my kids to decide what to keep, it would be everything. But every toy I think has seen it's last day or was not played with nearly enough without value to sell, I think as I am throwing it into the trash about the time my kids will ask about said toy.

When is the last time you cleaned house?  Got rid of all the junk that you don't need lying around?  Whether it's physical or emotional items, keeping things you don't need can be harmful to you.  Did you do something that hurt someone and they've since apologized but you can't forgive yourself?  Did someone apologize to you that hurt you but you still hold a grudge?  Are you regretting past decisions that have effected you negatively?  Let it go.  Control what you can control.  I've heard it said that worry is a prayer for things you don't want.  Makes sense.  If you dwell on the negative, you might as well just ask for it.

Unfortunately for some, all those emotions can be paired with mental illness.  Therapy is great.  Medication is great.  A change in diet and exercise is great.  All of these together make one wicked cocktail.   You aren't weak by getting help.  All the greats ask for help.

I'm going to go keep cleaning. It's liberating creating space for new enjoyable stuff.  If your space is filled to brim with negative old thoughts, you have no room for positive new ones.  Clean house.  Why do you think I write everyday?

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