Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Shooting from hip leads to accidental death

We've all done it, started to engage is some type of behavior or get involved in a conversation that we have no business being in.  Taking a stab at it, shooting from the hip.  It's imposter syndrome.  You pretend to act a certain way because you might be able to fool people you are better than what you really are.  Or people just assume you know way more than you do and treat you like that anyway.  You can either be honest and say you are no expert or you may even enjoy the attention of being "the guy".

I kinda do this every day.  I get on the computer and talk about stuff that I really don't know anything about.  Just observation and how I view things.  I could be wrong.  I could also be right.

It's nice to feel like an expert every now and then.  It's important to know there is always someone more of an expert.  And that you can still learn something from everyone.  It's nice to have people come to you for answers.  It's important that you not give them an answer if you aren't sure it's correct or not.

Which brings me to the bible.  The bible says this, the bible says that.  But honestly, no one today really knows.  They have a good idea, but it may be wrong.  It may be close though.  But close isn't good enough.

I see a lot of christians claiming their one way to be THE way, misquote and misuse the bible, and use your God platform to discourage and undermine people.  And be flat out insensitive.  Phil Robertson for example.  Makes the entire redneck, conservative, christian community look like assholes.  His recent remarks about HB2 were incredibly insensitive and so narrow minded.  I get that he may have a hard time understanding things he's never thought about.   But for someone of his fame, to just spew whatever outloud can have horrible consequences and cause hurt and pain for many people.  While Phil may think it's as simple as penis = male and vagina = female, it's not always that simple.

I used to be a christian.  Most of the time, I'm criticizing the type of christian I used to be.  I don't know if I believe all that anymore.  I mean, I probably do.  I just don't want to associate with what the majority of people see and think when they hear Christian.  When people like ted cruz and donald trump walk around toting this christian thanks.

That's all for today.  I didn't really feel like being an opinionated asshole today.  it just came out.  Otherwise I was just going to complain about how much my body aches because I'm getting old and I can't paint 2 story foyers as easily as I used to.  And I also started a diet yesterday.  I'm about 30 lbs. overweight.  It's pretty much been that way for awhile and I get stuck around 210.  But why can't I get stuck around 185?  And why does that extra 25 find itself right in my gut?  Thanks genetics.

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