Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Thunder Rolls and Gorillas are more important

Last night, the Oklahoma City Thunder rolled right over onto their bellies and let the Golden State Warriors finish their 3 game to 1 comeback in the western conference finals.  I was rooting for the thunder, there's something about the warriors that I don't like.   I don't like Steph Curry or Draymond Green.  I don't like Curry simply because he can't keep his mouthguard in his mouth and he smiles to much.  I know, a poor reason.  I just have this gut feeling that that says root for someone else.  And Green is just a dirty player.   I'm a Lebron fan, so I'm pulling for cavs to win it all.  But the warriors know how to win basketball games.

And then there is the Harambe gorilla that got shot a few days ago at a cincinnati zoo.  A three year old noticed his mothers eyes weren't looking for about half a second and took that moment to sprint into the gorilla enclosure.  That's what three year olds do, and they really are that fast.  If you don't believe me, you don't have kids.  It could happen to anyone.   Danger is only ever seconds away, it doesn't matter where you are.  Anyway, zoo officials made the call to shoot Harambe.  Tranq darts would only piss it off and could have caused it to lash out and hurt the boy.  Apparently the gorilla was already seemingly harming the boy.  But it also seemed to be treated the boy as it's own.

I feel bad for the gorilla, the boy and the family.  But I think shooting the gorilla was the right call, though very sad and unfortunate.

I'm going to take this time to remind everyone that hundreds of children a year are shot.  Accidentely.  Avoidable.  Totally unnecessarily.  They are shot by other children, mostly toddlers who find loaded guns.  That's not counting all the ones that shoot themselves or other adults.  Yet I've seen probably 2500% more talk about the gorilla being shot than any of these children.  WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA.  You 'd rather stay asleep on this fact rather than speak up and risk more regulations and gun control.  I'm not advocating getting rid of your right to own a gun.  I am advocating to make it more and more difficult for idiots to own them.  And if you are a responsible gun owner, you better do the same.  Because if you don't speak up and keeping guns out of idiots hands, you will end up losing  yours in the process.  So what if you have to do some extra paperwork and background checks.  You know who else has more paperwork to do now?  Police and morgues.  Filling out forms for all these dead toddlers who found a loaded gun.

Oh.  I'm a gun owner and in the market for another one right now.  Just in case you were wondering.

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