Wednesday, May 25, 2016


#GiveElsaAGirlfriend, I saw this trending this morning.  I saw Captain America's profile on a gay dating site last night.  It's still a bit odd to me.  I'm going to try to work through my thoughts here.'s easy.  I don't really care.  Give them two girlfriends or boyfriends.

One thought had occurred to me though.  Who are the primary viewers of Frozen?  Girls aged 2-10.  Should they be influenced by the movie they watch twice a day to be attracted to the same sex?  Oh wait...should girls 2-10 be influenced to choose a man for a mate either?  They already are.  Should the be influenced to lose your temper and freeze an entire city and run away?  They are.  Should they be influenced to shoot their sister with a magic ice missile nearly killing her and then sending your snow monster to chase them off a cliff nearly killing Olaf?  They already are.  But where is your complaint with that?

Do you ever stop and see how much parents and society is influencing on their children without even realizing it.  We brainwash them.  It's nearly impossible for them to think for themselves.  Kids ask all the time, Why?  How do parents respond when their kids asks, "WHY?"  Ding ding, "BECAUSE", number one answer.  97 points.  

So give Elsa a girlfriend.  Give Captain America a boyfriend.  If you have a beef with this, you need to stop letting tv and movies raise your children.  I know lots of parents that let their kids watch cartoon violence on tv and are flipping a lid at this elsa thing.  Do you see your own hypocrisy?   If you are so concerned, you need to filter EVERYTHING you let them watch on tv.

You want to talk about an issue you should be concerned or aware off?  For every wife complaining about this issue, there is her husband, who secretly can't wait to see Elsa get a girlfriend.

I wonder how my wife feels about this issue.  I'm going to ask her when she wakes up. Our daughters reaction?  I'm sure it will be, "TWO FROZEN PRINCESS'S, YESSSSSSS!"

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