Monday, May 9, 2016

Peace Rock and Happy Meals

There is a rock in the movie "The Jungle Book" called the peace rock.  It's at the bottom of a river bed and when it is revealed it means that there is very little water in the area in which the animials live.  They call for peace and no animal is allowed to fight or eat other animals at this time.  It's called the Water Truece.  When the rains come again it's back to normal.  I thought this was pretty awesome.  

When times were tough and animals were dying of thirst and food was scarce, they called a truece and everyone could drink from the same cup.  From mice to tigers.  

How many people in this world are hungry?  How many people in this world are hungry and still work in sweat shops to make stuff for us here in America?  How many people in your town are hungry? 

At the end of the day, we are all humans.  Every single person on this earth is a human.  Except for some science experiments maybe.  It's so hard for me to fathom the conditions some people live in this very minute while I sit hear on my couch, sipping coffee listening to birds chirp over the hum of the heater to take the chill off.  Last night I turned to A/C on so Josiah wasn't so hot.  I'm typing on my ipad instead of my imac and because the keys on my iphone are to small and i wanted to sit upstairs today.  And we live a fairly modest lifestyle.  

I'm not complaining about this life.  But I didn't do anything to deserve it.  Most of us didn't. And most of those living in impoverished countries didn't do anything to deserve that either.  We are all a product of where we were born.  

But in today's world, we know of these places where it's a struggle to survive everyday.  Are we doing anything about it?  Yes....we are making it worse.  want proof?  Donald Fucking Trump.  Want to make america the laughing stock of the for him.  I know the other candidate might not be much better, but think  years from now.  Who's mess would you rather clean up?  Donald Trump is creating enemies, intentionally.   

Wasn't America a country that used it's power to protect and defend?  Not just america, but all over.  But yet...Captian Americas shield.  A shield is a symbol of protection and defense, and in some cases attack but as a last resort.  Captain America largely uses his shield for attack.  

Anyhow, most of this comes from within.  So my criticism often stems from myself first.  But I'm probably the average american.  We have enough wealth in America to take care of all those that are hungry.  Not just americans, but in the entire world!  We have enough wealth inside the american church alone to do that!

Why doesn't a christian nation like america care?  What are we living for?  To die?  

In the beginning and the end, we are all the same.  Birth and Death.  Enjoy these lyrics from the band "Radical Face"

Well, some of us will be revered, and some forgotten
And some of us will sleep out in the rain
And some of us will die lonely
And others' in grace and warmth
But in the end we all go the same

And some of us will be worn down with time
And others' will be famous in their days
Some of us will be dreamers
While others' just fade away
But in the end we all leave the same

And some of us will take everything we can
And others' will just give it all away
And some of us will be beaten
While others' refuse to bend
But in the end we all go the same

And you will live your life full of fear
And I will live mine wishin' you were near
And you will pray to be stronger
And I won't pray at all
But either way we're both gonna fall

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