Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Factory Farm God

I said I'd talk about chickens and christmas trees today. 

First off, they are pine trees.  Not christmas trees or holiday trees.  Get it right.  

People complain about the inhumane ways chickens are mass produced for our eating consumption.  Those chickens existence exists for the sole purpose of feeding people that can afford to buy meat.  They wouldn't even be alive if we didn't eat chicken.  Most people that have the biggest mouths about this actually don't eat meat.  Good for you.  But I think you'll have better results in convincing people that a plant based diet is good for you than you will at convincing them how the chickens they eat are raised.  People that eat chickens could care less.  

We do this with pine trees too.  Mass produce them and kill them early just to set them up for a month or two.  

And fish.  Even for people that catch their own fish, trout for example, they aren't native.  They've been fed fish food and raised in captivity until released in your fishing hole.   

So many things are created for  our pleasure and comfort. 

Like God.  The way I see it, people have been creating God in their own image forever.  God is factory farmed.  Whatever we need God to be to help us feel better, God is that. Not anymore.  Not for me.  And then if something happens to us, good or bad, we figure out a way to fit that into what we think God is trying to teach us.  

I got sick of playing mind games with God.   I got sick of all the shame and guilt it produced.  I got tired of trying to figure out the "real" God.  

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