Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hypocrite Cruz opts for Abortion

Might as well talk about.  Donald Freakin Trump.  Seriously Republicans?  SERIOUSLY?  Don't act all confused.  Don't say you didn't vote for him.  Just like you didn't buy that Nickelback album too, right?  SOMEONE had to like them, otherwise they wouldn't have sold so many albums!

You can't tell me a whole bunch of democrats voted for him, or switched parties on their voter registration just to vote for him and put him up as a candidate.  I don't buy it.  Maybe some did, but Trump one in a landslide.

Oh, and Cruz should most definitely have carried his campaign to full term.

I actually think down on the inside Trump is a reasonable dude.  He's just putting on a show to get the R ticket.  Now that he has it, he'll say whatever he needs to say to get the democratic vote.

Honestly, I couldn't give two flying sacks of pig skabula about who the president is.  I mean, I care.  I voted in the primary.  I have my preferred candidate.  But Mr. Rogers is dead and I don't think anyone else wrote him in.

Enough political talk for me.  I really have no idea.  I'm more excited about following the tracking details on my new chainring. It should be here thursday by midnight via UPS Ground.  Two weeks ago I ordered a pair of shoes off of Amazon, paid 4.99 for the expedited 2 day shipping.  I ordered them at 3:45pm.  I had them by noon the next day.  IN.  CREDIBLE.

After a few days back on my antidepressants, I think I take a welbutrin generic, my mind seems to be balancing back out.  I don't like to believe that it actually works.  But I do notice a difference when I forget to take it for a few days.  The way this medicine works is that is has to maintain a certain level in your body.  You can't just take a pill and be fine.  So if you miss a few doses...or even just a few evenings, it can mess with the levels.

And that's all for today.  Enjoy the beginning of the end of America.  Maybe next year Oprah will run for President.  Or Kanye.  Or anyone else with a shit ton of money.

Do you really want DONALD TRUMP sitting in the OVAL OFFICE????  Seriously?!?!?!   I guess if you do you do.  But I haven't heard one shred of good reason for him being in office.  If you think someone like Donald Trump would make a good president, I don't think you have any idea what a president represents.  Do you want to go to war with the world?  Vote for Trump.  Do a quick google search for what world leaders have to say about Trump.

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