Tuesday, April 4, 2017

78,000. Sounds like alot

I knew it.  I knew Trump would pull through.  I knew from the very beginning that he was a great man and qualified to serve.  I knew he had our best interests in mind.  He just donated 78,000 dollars of his first quarter paycheck to the National Park Service.  What stand up dude.

I kinda wish he'd have put that towards his Mar A Lago vacations instead.  Most people would  get a kick ass year long vacation for that money.  But no.  Not Trump.  He spends 3 million dollars every time he goes down there.  Who pays for that?  Oh...not Trump.  Taxpayers.  Right?  Correct me if I'm wrong.    He's racked up over 15 million dollars in Mar A Lago trips since he started as president.  Not even 3 months ago.

Now...for comparison....according to THE BLAZE, the Obama's spent about 85 million in taxpayer dollars for vacations.  That works out to what?  10.1 million dollars a year.  And Trump was hugely critical of that money spent.  But at the rate trump is going he'll rack up nearly 60 million dollars in expenses to go to Mar a Lago this year alone.

Oh but wait.  He does work there.  It's not a vacation.   Wait....he can't work in the White House?  That's even worse.  

Give me a freakin break.

And that 78k.  That's a slap in the face and an attempt to save his own face.  They just took a 1.5 billion dollar cut from the agency that overseas the National Parks.  And there is already a 12 billion dollar backlog in park maintenance that needs done.  But for shits and giggles let's just say they exaggerated that number.  Let's just say it's a 250 million dollar backlog.  Because even I think 12 billion dollars is a bit ridiculous to spend on "maintenance".

78k.  Don't be stupid America.  Don't be duped again.  The first time was bad enough.

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