Sunday, April 16, 2017

Why die for it if it's not true?

Without going into great detail, I'm going to throw two things out today.  Over the past few days there has been a lot of hype in the Christian community about Easter.  This is the holiday where Jesus's death and resurrection is celebrated.  Death is not the victor.  The grave can't hold Him down.  What a great message of hope.

But I don't really buy it as truth anymore.  Just being honest.  It might be real.  It might not.  So many have claimed that if it's not real Christianity is a lie and none of it matters.  How sad.  Because I don't really care if it's a great story or not, it's still a great story.  You can still live out your life as Jesus.  Unless of course, christianity is only afterlife insurance for you.  And if that's the case, I think you are missing the primary message of Jesus.  I'm ok with it all being a great story.  It doesn't really change how I live out the principles I've learned from Jesus.

There have been those that have made the argument that if it wasn't real, why did the disciples die for a lie?  Why were they willing to risk everything for something that they knew wasn't true?

And that's a great question.  Perhaps asking members of other religions that would be a great place to start.  Why would they die for their beliefs if they aren't true?  Since according to most Christians, Christianity is the only true belief.   I don't know if I'd die for a lie.   But certainly, that's a great point.

There is another demographic of people that are persecuted, killed, maimed, disowned from their own families, treated like second class citizens, and belittled because of their belief.  Many in the Christian community think their belief is flawed, they think it's a choice, they think it's something they just get to decide to do.  Well, if that's the case, why go through all that punishment and ill treatment for it?  Why not just quit and be regular like everyone else?

Who is this group of people?  Members of the homosexual and transgender community.  As well as anyone else that falls into this category or similar.  I've heard many stories of teens being disowned and kicked out of the their parents homes when they came out as gay.  Transgender people get murdered nearly every day.  It is a crime punishable by death in certain countries.  Even in America, one of the deadliest mass shootings in modern day history was as at the Pulse night club.  A gay friendly night club.  And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the ill treatment.

So I ask you, person who believes in the resurrection story because why would the disciples risk persecution and death for a lie.  Why would someone who is homosexual risk the same things for  something so many in the Christian community considers a choice?   It would be easier to just revert back to gender conforming, right?  Since it's a choice, not actual fact.

So what am I getting at?  I don't think people would be willing to die for a loosely held belief or feeling.

So if the disciples willingness to die for their belief that the resurrection happened is enough to convince you of the validity of the story, I hope you take seriously the plight of the LGBT community.

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