Friday, April 21, 2017


Nah.  Easter is over.  I'm just resurrecting a post from last year that I posted today that is quite simple.

I probably hate this
picture.  So do I.  Maybe it's even
for the same reason. 
I get so disgusted about the waste of money that is the American Church.  Hold up.  I know, church isn't a waste of money.  A lot of good comes from church.  But seriously, step back and take a look at just how many luxuries are at your local church.  How much money is spent on things that you really don't need at all.

What pings in my mind is that I am no better.  I have luxuries.  I have things I don't need.  But I am not the beacon of what is supposed to be an example of Christ.  OR.  Am I?  Is anyone that calls themselves a Christian to be an example of Christ in EVERYTHING that they do.  Including how they spend their money.  The bible only says to give ten percent.  That seems to be the standard.  But I'd be willing to bet that collectively, people don't give anywhere near ten percent to the church.

But see, the Bible also says to either be hot or cold.  And since I'm not hold, I'd rather be cold.  It says some pretty harsh things about those that are "lukewarm".

Think about this.  I wrote it last year and it still holds true.

This morning I was lying on the floor of the check-in area of American Airlines at JFK International airport.  I was cold, the floor was hard and I hadn't slept in 24 hours.  And If I couldn't sleep, it would be another 16 hours till I could sleep again.  

And then I realized there are people that sleep on cold, hard floors everynight.  That is their normal.  Not ideal, but it's all they have.  And we have mega church pastors living in 20,000 square foot mansions.  We have 200,000 square foot church campuses and a church that has a bull riding arena inside of it.  And people in this world sleep on cold, hard floors because it's all they have.  

I'm not going to commence a rant on the misuse of tithe money and a tax exempt status.  I'm going to question whether american christians really are pro-life or not.  Cause I don't think they are.  They rail about how the government misuses tax money or they don't want their tax money to fund this or that.  But if the government doesn't fund social programs, no one will.  The church clearly is missing the ball on that one.  

I am thankful for those that do care for the least of these.  And I will continue to support their efforts.  

The ONLY counter I can fathom to this is the many people that have sought comfort and community through a hard time at their huge luxurious church.  That's great.  But I'd be willing to bet it wasn't the building, it wasn't the big screens and sound systems, it wasn't the coffee (ok, maybe it was the coffee), and it certainly wasn't the mechanical bull.  It was the people.  It was the relationships.  It was the community of friends.  And if you say that you would only have that community because of the building....that's pretty sad.  

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