Thursday, April 6, 2017

Keyboard Warrior/Tell People How You Feel

This morning I made a post in a private group I'm in as part of a paying contributor to the Bad Christian Paaawwwwdcast about starting a subgroup within that called the BC Fight Club.  

Check out the Bad Christian Podcast and all the other ones under their umbrella here. 

Sometimes I feel like I just want to fight.  Like I have so much energy built up it needs a powerful release.  Like having a punching bag.  But it never really helps.  I joked that if a punching bag, sprinting, or throwing a vacuum cleaner up against a tree didn't really take the edge off then neither would a bunch of keyboard warriors.

And I thought...dang....that's kind of what I've been doing for over a year now.  Being like a keyboard warrior.  Just releasing my thoughts, most of them.  Even the BC Club gets some more thought action from me than this blog does.

But I think over the past year, the thing that's really helped my head clear up has been writing.  And not giving a shit about what anyone thinks about it.  Well, I do value your opinion.  But I don't let your opinion wreck me anymore.  Not your opinion specifically, but the opinions of others.   Do I hear them, sure!  But it's not the life or death of me if someone disagrees.  

So maybe the keyboard does help.  Maybe more people need an outlet to just share whatever they want to share without fear.  They might not even fully be behind what they say, they just need to say it.  It's like bungee jumping.  You may do it and realize that's not you.  Just like you might have a thought floating around and you need to release it just to see if it comes back or sticks anywhere.

It's not good to keep things bottled up.

It happens in relationships all the time.  A little thing bothers you.  But it's a little thing so you don't sweat it.  Then another little thing.  Then another.  And before you know it you develop a strong sense of resentment and bitterness to someone or something simply because you didn't communicate how you were feeling.  And then when you finally do it's like a volcano of emotion.  And it all comes out uncontrollably.

Tell people how you feel before that happens.

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