Saturday, April 15, 2017

Day 7 of 7. And useless censorship.

Are you kidding.  The fast was totally over on day 4.  But I did say I'd journal till the end of it.  So to recap.  I finished at 88 hours.  Had some chicken and cabbage smothered in butter.  And a light dinner that night.  Thursday I don't remember, but I watched Fate of the Furious.  Friday I had shrimp and cabbage smothered in butter for lunch and said that was going to be my meal.  Except after that mountain bike ride yesterday I really wanted wings.  So I got wings.  No biggie.  But earlier in the week I had made some Macadamia Nut/Coconut Butter.  And I had a few spoonfuls of it too.  So I kinda settled back into regularity.  Which I'm not really happy with.  But whatever.  I love food.

Today, I don't know.   I'll  just learn to stop when I'm full and try to avoid snacking.

Also.  I haven't used soap in nearly 3 months.  True story.  Except for my hands.  And on my clothes in the washing machine.

So many things in this world we use and don't need but have been told by people that profit of us that we do.

We were watching Guardians of the Galaxy on FX last night.  I'd never seen it.  But before I fell asleep at 8:45 because that's what my body told me to do,  I was made aware that they censored out Chris Pratt giving the middle finger.  Really?  The middle finger.  But your ok with violence, murder, killing, pillaging and all that other stuff?  God forbid anyone watching that movie sees someone flick another person off.  They'd probably go to hell if they saw that.

But yeah, about that 8:45 falling asleep.  No one ever said you can't go to bed before 9.  No one ever made a rule that adults have to stay up till 10 or 11.  Go to bed when you're tired.  Seriously.  There is nothing on tv that's worth taking sleep away.

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