Saturday, April 1, 2017

Write It Right

Facebook can be very polarizing.  In case you weren't aware.  In some cases, this transcends into actual reality outside of the internet.  But in many cases, we can have disagreeing conversations with people all the time if we were face to face and be totally calm and civil.

So why are these rare on Facebook?  Maybe because we don't know the person we are talking to in most cases.  Even in private groups when you get to know someone, you begin to give them a character based on all your interactions with them.  But even though this might be a little accurate, it isn't the whole person.  And over time, you begin to always interact with people as you've created them to be, not who they are.  But if you'd ever meet them in person,  I bet it would be like meeting an entirely different person.

That would be a pretty great interaction.  Have two people meet who constantly disagree and argue on Facebook.  Don't tell them who the other person is and put them in a situation where they have to work together.  Like a game show were you start with a group to solve a problem and players get randomly eliminated, leaving the two that are internet enemies but don't know it.   Set it up easy enough that they'd be able to work really well together.

What would that prove?  I don't know.  That even though you have many differences, you can still work together for the good of both of you if you don't let those personal ideologies get in the way.

I used to scour Facebook for things I could either disagree with or engage in and even debate on.  I don't really know why.  I'm not a mean guy.  I don't look to go proving other people wrong.  But I think I look for places to be right.  I was criticized a lot growing up.  I'm just now realizing this at 34 years old.  So I'm constantly trying to be right, to fill some sort of void.  It's not about other people being wrong and it took me so long to see that's how people take it.  Does that make sense?

I try so hard to be what I felt was right and fair that I forget or failed to see how that would make someone else feel about their idea.  I was never saying they were wrong in my mind.  Because I was always starting from a point where I was the wrong one and I was trying to prove myself right.

Anyway...that makes sense to me.  But I've slowly become aware of this.  And writing has helped.  I can use this forum here to try to prove myself right, or present a way of thinking that may be different.  And no one is on the other end of the wire engaging with me as I type.

I think many people would benefit from this.  It gives you an opportunity to share how you feel and what you think about without personally attacking anyone.   Even though sometimes, that happens too.  But I try to keep it anonymous.

Like the conversation I read on Facebook last night.  Someone posted a song that moves them.  It talked about how "it was I that made God cry".  Something about it being us that put Jesus on the cross.   Theology aside, i believe it was a song meant to keep you humble that it was our sin nature that contributed to the tears of Christ.   Something like that.  And then someone else chimed in and said, wrong.  Jesus wept for lazarus.  Not you.  And got all theological police on the song.  They would rather be right about whether or not Jesus actually wept for each person that would ever exist.  A petty, trivial point that God could work out later.  I'm pretty sure God cares more about how we feel about the drone strikes that kill and murder civilian families.

But whatever.  People were having  an emotional moment with God and this person came in and tried to take that away because it wasn't theologically accurate.  This, my friends, is what gives Christians a bad rep.  However, I can see where the person that chimed and said "wrong" is coming from.  He wants them to have an authentic relationship with God based on truth that is theologically accurate.  But some people just don't give a shit.  

So what would you rather be, rich or right?  In this case, theological police would rather have been right.  But what did that cost him?  A lot.   The people connecting with the song, they chose to be rich with emotion and connection to others experience the same feelings.

So what would you rather be?  Rich with emotions and connection to yourself and others?  Or informationally right?  Maybe both depending on the circumstances.

I done and taught myself something this morning.  I might actually go back to church now.  Ha.  April Fools.  Not yet anyway.

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