Monday, April 10, 2017

Day 2 of 7

Day 2 of 7 is underway.  I'm just under 36 hours into.  I learned something yesterday and it hit me pretty quick.  Around 10am I was setting up for an aid station for the Buck Ridge Burn Trail Race.  Of course it was full of the usual aid station supplies, chips, pretzels, cookies, granola cranberry bars, rice crispy treats, bananas, oranges, m and m's etc.  I used to gobble all that stuff up.  In fact last year I ate just as much as the runners did.  This year it was like it wasn't even there.  Not a single temptation to snack on any of it.   Next year, I think I'll offer the runners and Fat Fueled Fitness table for those that aren't happily burning their own body fat or ketones.  We will provide bacon.  And maybe some macadamia nuts, almonds, and various nut butters.  Perhaps a few avocados, berries, and butter shots.

But as I was cleaning up the table after the race, I thought about how great it would be to go home and get some wings for dinner.  It felt comforting.  And then I realized that my house is my comfort and safe space.  I eat there to feel good.  I have all my favorite foods there.  It's my drug.  I have a really hard time controlling what and when I eat when I'm at home.  I use the food to help my brain feel good.  It was then I realized that I really needed to do another one of these extended fasts.  I did one several months ago and it was great.  But like any medicine, you can't really just use it once and be done.

I use food to help me feel good mentally.  And that's not what food is for.   Food wasn't designed to help cure or relieve mental health symptoms.  And sadly, I think many people use it for just that.  It's not really much different than turning to another substance.  Though it may not be as immediately destructive, it can be just as over time.  Why?  It all comes back to sugar.  Sugar engages the same parts of the brain that cocaine does.  That's why it's so addictive.  Even natural sugar.  Sugar is sugar.  But even for me, the foods I eat don't have sugar.  But I still enjoy them, and when I'm at home, I'm comforted by those foods and being at home.  And this engages the pleasure centers of my brain.  And I'm using food to do it.  This isn't healthy.

I think many people write this off as being ok, since it's not drugs or alcohol.  But it's still not a good way to deal with the real issues at hand of why you need it.  Even I know this extended fast won't fix that.  And I really wanted to make sure I wasn't doing this as some sort of punishment. That's why it's been so long.  That's why I turned down invitations to do one several times.  I wanted it to be for the right reasons.

Anyway, how do I feel?  I was active all day yesterday, including over an hour of full court basketball last night after 24 hours of less than 200 calories.  The first two days can be the hardest.  And this is my second day.  My brain feels sharp and crisp.  My body feels amazing.  Fasting is working as it is designed.

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