Monday, April 17, 2017

Stop Pretending

Entrepreneur - a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

That last part, taking on greater than normal financial risks to do so.  What does that mean?  Investing $10,000?  $100,000?   More?   Or does it all depend on how much money you have to start with.

I used to be a part of a Multi Level Network Marketing organization several years ago.  The word "entrepreneur" was tossed around a label for you to become when when starting your own business.  Except this business only cost about $59 dollars to get started.  And you weren't even on the hook for paying any employees.  Sorry, but in my opinion, this does not qualify you to label yourself an entrepreneur.  I see no risk involved.  In fact, it's often marketed as a nearly risk free business opportunity.

I'm not knocking you for your business.  It's just that you can't really call yourself an entrepreneur.  Please just call it for what it is.  Say you operate a network marketing business.  Or aren't you proud of that?  I know, you think it has a bad reputation.  Well change that.  Because what you're doing is still multi level network marketing.  Don't be ashamed, you've done good for yourself.  Be happy and proud of you mlm!

I've met many people who have been very successful at these businesses and it almost always seems no one wants to say they operate a hugely successful "franchise" of a multi level network marketing business.  Don't be ashamed of that.  It does take hard work and commitment.

But for most people in an MLM, you aren't an entrepreneur according to it's definition.  You try your best to minimize risk and are really only going after the guarantee.

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